Monday, 16 January 2012

The Cancer report

Please watch this excellent movie from

UPDATE: If you have problems watching the documentary at YouTube (or above), then try watching it at, although it has a slight blur there.

Purchase DVD
We finally finished our documentary. The 80 minute documentary catalogs how allopathic medicine took over in the early part of the 20th Century, and how natural medicines were arbitrarily kicked out of the medical profession. It not only exposes how doctors and professors have been silenced for the past century, but also provides alternative, non-toxic cancer cures. We urge all of our readers to watch this documentary and pass it on to friends and relatives. It is guaranteed to save lives, and we're not sure how long it will take until it starts getting censored. It is currently available on Youtube, and the full 1.5G movie can be downloaded from and directly from us. The smaller 788 M.B. (yet still high quality) Divx/AVI version of the movie can be downloaded via a bittorrent program and directly from us.
If you have any problems viewing the original downloadable edition, then we recommend installing the free and multi-platform VLC program. It is the best overall video player around. Another excellent option is the Miro program, which can both download the torrent version of the documentary, and play it as well.
The official DVD is available (as requested by many readers) using the purchase link. Purchasing the official DVD is a great way to help us to continue our work.
Is the documentary free?

You are allowed to share and copy both the DVD and the movie files freely, with very few restrictions. This movie is essentially free as in 'free beer' and as in freedom too. You have our permission to make as many copies of 'The Cancer Report' as you wish from our DVD, torrnet file, or you may create copies from the downloadable ISO file. The movie may be copied and redistributed in all electronic forms, including reproduction via the Internet, unless the pertinent redistribution network(s) require payments for rebroadcasting it. Otherwise, public display and broadcasting are categorically allowed.
We do, however, reserve our copyright of the movie, and as such, we forbid alterations to the movie without our approval. Additionally, a clear and easily readable attribution to must be clearly rendered in all derivative works, as well as conspicuously citing Thomas Corriher and Sarah Cain as its original producers.
This movie is being distributed under an attribution share-alike license, so others are generally allowed to copy and redistribute it, but we require that attributions to us not be removed. Because of the non-commercial restrictions from certain media sources utilized in the production, you may only charge a reasonable fee for materials, media, shipping, and labor, if the movie is sold. None of the material from the movie may be used in a purely commercial endeavor, such as advertising.

Posted by Healing Cancer

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