Saturday, 17 December 2011

Salvestrols- A Natural Anti-Cancer Chemicals Found in Every Day Fruits

Salvestrols- A Natural Anti-Cancer Chemicals Found in Every Day Fruits

Did You Know…that there are nutritional compounds called salvestrols that seek out cancer cells present in the body … and unleash a stream of chemical agents which kill cancer cells within 30 minutes—but keep normal cells unharmed?
Salvestrols are a new class of natural anti-cancer chemicals found in certain dietary plants and fruits. salvestrols Unlike other natural compounds and phytochemicals that are categorized as a single chemical type of plant compound, salvestrols are defined on the basis of their mechanism of anti-cancer action.
Read the full story


  1. Salvestrol therapy has been shown to be effective against a variety of human cancers such as breast, prostate, colon and lung cancer. Case studies on these have been published in the Journal of Orthomolecular Medicine which can be found by searching on Salvestrol Case Studies. An example of one of these is given below
    Case #1: Lung cancer
    A 69-year-old male was diagnosed with inoperable, stage 2-3 squamous-cell carcinoma of the lung. A seven-centimetre tumour was detected. Enlarged lymph nodes were also detected, one of which was approaching three centimetres in diameter. This patient had seen his doctor due to coughing up blood. No chemotherapy or radiation therapies were recommended. He was given a life expectancy of 8 months and sent home. Since diet and lifestyle may well have contributed to his condition, dietary change was strongly recommended with an emphasis on organic fruit and vegetables. The patient commenced a diet of fresh, organic fruit, vegetables and juices. Meat, refined sugar and dairy products were eliminated from his diet. He also took 2 Salvestrol Platinum (2000 point) capsules daily. At the end of the first week of Salvestrol supplementation the patient was no longer coughing up blood. Within three weeks, his diagnosis had been changed from inoperable to operable lung cancer requiring removal of one lung. At the end of three weeks a biopsy of the largest lymph node was taken following a PET scan and was found to be negative. The diagnosis was once again changed to operable lung cancer requiring removal of one lobe of the affected lung. Six weeks after commencement of dietary change and Salvestrol supplementation surgery was performed. Rather than removing one lobe of the lung as planned, the surgeon simply removed the shrunken tumour and a couple of suspicious lymph nodes. During surgery the tumour was found to be clear of the sternum and chest wall. Postoperative analysis of the lymph nodes proved that they were not cancerous. This patient was deemed cancer free. Subsequent to the surgery he has reduced the amount of salvestrol supplementation to 1 capsule (2000 points) daily as a preventative measure and has maintained a diet rich in organic fruit and vegetables.

  2. Thank yo for your comment,
    Why do some people become cancer free relatively easily even when apparently so diseased they only have 8 months left? What is the establishment missing out on. It is not enough to say it is a rare case etc.
    Dietary changes are usually central to the healing process and there are many other agents that assist the healing process.
    The mental changes that occur are little understood and I believe are essential to changing from being disease to being healthy.
    There is so much to learn from cases such as this. As any good scientist would ask 'why did this man heal' and truly explore and discover.
    Thank you.

  3. Dear Philip,
    It is true that some people respond quickly to salvestrol therapy, whilst others take much longer. The fast responders typically see tumours shrink to half their size within 1 month, and are cancer free within 3 months. Others can take much longer requiring high doses (6000 points per day) and recovering slowly over the course of a year. We know there is a genetic variance in the beta salvestrol activase enzyme CYP1B1 that activates salvestrols to their anticancer metabolites within tumours, so each person will respond differently dependant upon their expression levels of the CYP1B1 enzyme.
    Dietary changes certainly assist in this process as salvestrols and their co-factors such as biotin, niacin, magnesium and iron are present in the diet. However the diet delivers only about 20 salvestrol points per 100 g portion, so it is possible to absorb about 100 points per day through the diet. For therapy much higher doses of 2000 points are required taken three times daily for maximum effect. I agree a positive mental state is important in overcoming cancer. A positive mental state is an intelligent mind that intuitively knows which foods are good for you or not. It intuitively knows that chemotherapy makes you sick and is therefore bad for you. It knows from sight smell and taste that fruits and vegetables are good for you. It knows that dark green cabbage must be full of salvestrols as are grapes and olives.

  4. Hello Jez,
    Thank you for your enlightened comment. When the internal environment changes, the body adapts and in healing cancer, the objective is a return to health, which is a reflection of a healthy internal (and external) environment.

    Changing the internal environment to a beneficial and healthy environment heals cancer or more correctly heals an unhealthy person.

    I will place your comment elsewhere, as it is may be very beneficial for those willing to look outside the mainstream.
