Saturday, 31 December 2011

The Formula for Healing Cancer:

The Formula for Healing Cancer:

Could your mind and your emotions be better cancer fighters than chemotherapy — and how do you unlock their awesome power?
The bad news is that there is no magic bullet, alternative or conventional. The good news is that there IS a formula for healing cancer. The body’s innate wisdom and ability to heal itself surpasses that of the most advanced medical technology, ancient herbal formula or latest scientific breakthrough. And mental-emotional balance is the foundation for it all. Where and how to start to start? Read More >>

Posted by Healing Cancer

Dr. Max Gerson

Dr. Max Gerson

Persecuted for Curing Cancer Naturally
Treating disease through nutritional therapy and detoxification is not a new treatment modality. Dr. Max Gerson discovered the power of healing through nutrition and detoxification more than eighty years ago.

Gerson suffered from migraines since childhood. His early experiments with diet were conducted as a means to find a cure. After becoming an M.D., he recommended his successful migraine diet to his patients, one of whom also suffered from lupus vulgaris (skin tuberculosis). The diet rid the man of migraines, and his skin lesions disappeared as well.

Albert Schweitzer and Max Gerson become lifelong friends after Dr. Gerson’s therapy cured Schweitzer of his Type II diabetes, cured Albert’s daughter of a chronic skin condition, and saved the life of Albert’s wife, suffering from tuberculosis of the lung which had not responded to conventional treatment.

As Dr. Gerson continued to treat and cure tuberculosis patients, word spread. A well known and well respected physician set up a carefully monitored, in-house, hospital trial to replicate the results of the Gerson Therapy, but the diet wasn’t working. The patients made no progress towards recovery; several actually worsened. The hospital was on the brink of ending the trial when a nurse was caught sneaking prohibited food into the ward. Once the Gerson Therapy diet was strictly enforced, the patients rapidly responded to treatment. Of 450 lupus vulgaris patients - patients suffering from a hideous incurable disease - 446 were cured.
Posted by Cancer Healing

Friday, 30 December 2011

What are you doing wrong?

What are you doing wrong?

To achieve the result that you desire in any situation, you have to do the things that produce that result, yes this is obvious but more importantly, you have to stop doing the things, that produce the results that you don't want! If you have results today that are undesirable, then you have taken actions to get those results! If we accept this and take responsibility for it, then we have a great advantage in achieving the results that we do want. But if we (emotionally) baulk at this and let blame, guilt and judgement get in the way, then we we will simply keep achieving the results that we have all ready got.

Nobody wants to be in the wrong, nobody wants to be to blame, nobody wants to be judged harshly, these are sometimes just too painful to bear and this is the great pitfall for those with a chronic disease. In order to escape the perceived painful emotions of taking responsibility, we refuse to take responsibility for our diseases and the condition that we find our selves in. And so change is prevented. Different results, the ones that we desire, become almost impossible to achieve for we unconsciously will resist change and healing cancer for example requires a massive change.

The body can heal, it is an innate ability. You don't need to do this or that to heal. You have to stop doing what you are doing wrong! This may be unpalatable but it is undeniably the starting point. Until you stop doing what you are doing wrong, how can you expect different results?

Posted by Healing Cancer

Wednesday, 28 December 2011

Heartbreaking, but true -- some cancer patients are exploited in the worst possible way

Dear Reader,

I really don't want to think the worst, but some oncologists make it very difficult to give the benefit of the doubt.

Putting myself in their shoes, I can't imagine what it would be like to look into the eyes of elderly cancer patients, day after day, and tell them there's nothing that can be done.

So I want to think that many oncologists are simply offering treatments they know are ineffective in order to give some hope and to make their work just a little bit less heartbreaking.

It might be wrong but at least I could understand it.

But sadly, that's probably not the primary reason why desperate patients are being subjected to needless -- and worthless -- chemo treatments.

No, it's much more likely that it's all about the billing in most cases...and it's a national disgrace.

Read the whole story here

Posted by Healing Cancer

Monday, 26 December 2011

This is a must read!

Resistance: Why cancer patients may ignore, ridicule, reject, & attack alternative cancer treatments

On the reasons why even very ill and suffering people-in spite of conventional-orthodox therapy failing to help them-may ridicule and attack any medical & holistic alternatives to mainstream cancer therapy options offered and reject them out of hand without having even tried or researched them.

Copyright © 2004 - 2010 Healing Cancer Naturally

"The pain of a new idea is one of the greatest pains in human nature... Your favorite notion may be wrong, your firmest beliefs ill-founded. And your favorite foods may be the root cause of your greatest pains! It's a fact of life that people find it much easier to believe a lie they've heard a thousand times than a fact they've never heard before." Daniel P. Reid
"All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident."
Arthur Schopenhauer
”Every great advance in natural knowledge has involved the absolute rejection of authority.”
Thomas Huxley
Are you the friend or relative of a person who has been diagnosed with cancer and who just follows ”doctor's orders” of chemo, radiation and surgery without appearing to benefit - but rather seeming to steadily go downhill? Have you tried telling them about ”alternatives” – basic common-sense approaches like optimised nutrition, detoxification, prayer, meditation, taking charge of one's health etc. etc. but found yourself and your suggestions ignored - or worse brushed off and ridiculed, if not met with outright hostility?
Read the whole article here

Posted by Healing Cancer

Sunday, 25 December 2011

Why the FDA Approved a Phenomenal Breakthrough in Cancer—and Then Kept it Quiet

Why the FDA Approved a Phenomenal Breakthrough in Cancer—and Then Kept it Quiet
Cancer is a sneaky disease that takes root in your body long before you know it. It gradually gains strength, creeping up on you stealthily because (oftentimes) you feel no symptoms ... yet. And when you do feel the symptoms and go see your doctor, the cancer is usually at a full-blown stage.

If you or someone you know has been diagnosed with cancer, the diagnosis always comes as a sobering shock. It always seems like just yesterday, there was no cancer—and all of a sudden, the cancer appeared today ... seemingly out of nowhere.

But actually cancer never happens "all of a sudden." Even on those who are diagnosed with Stage IV or terminal cancer, that condition did NOT occur overnight. Cancer may have been growing in the body for years before the first symptoms ever appeared.

The medical industry has cancer screening tests available for detecting different types of cancer as early as possible. They include Pap smear tests (for cervical cancer) ... mammograms (for breast cancer) ... PSA test (for prostate cancer) ... blood test (for leukemia) ... and the HPV test (for cervical, vulvar, vaginal, and penile cancer), to name a few.

Unfortunately, the interpretation of the results of these tests are oftentimes unreliable—and some of the tests, such as the mammogram, for example, pose an even higher risk of cancer for those who undergo the test.

Wipe Out Cancer Like It's the Common Cold!

What if you or a loved one had the opportunity to find out if you had any type of cancer lurking in your body ... 19 months before you felt any symptoms ... before a cancerous tumor formed in your body ... or before your doctor even knew you were sick?

That would most certainly seem like a godsend and a life saver, wouldn't it? That's because if you find out about cancer that early, you would never need to undergo chemotherapy, radiation, surgery—or any of the other cancer treatments on your doctor's "deadly menu" of choices. Cancer caught early can be easily eradicated using safe, proven immunity-boosting supplements that make cancer as easy to wipe out as the common cold!

The folks at Natural Health Dossier, a privately-circulated advisory on medical and health advances, have recently discovered ... the world's most accurate and early cancer test.

A Harvard-trained doctor and neurochemist developed it over the course of 20 years. Several major studies (involving more than 10,000 patients combined) have verified its accuracy . The Food & Drug Administration (FDA) even approved the test ... but mysteriously, they've kept it quiet from the general population.

Once you discover what this test is, you'll be among the 1/10th of one percent (.001) of the population who will know about it because the mainstream media will not publicize it.


Most media outlets—although they present an image of being "independent" providers of unbiased, impartial information—are heavily controlled by drug companies. The drug industry, whose marketing budget is in the billions, has a say as to what gets published, and what doesn't. As such, the media would never publish information that would threaten the billion-dollar earnings of Big Pharma on cancer treatments.

For what would happen to Big Pharma's cancer business if everyone's cancer was detected early—and if there ever came a day when the most effective cancer test became a standard in every person's annual medical exam?

These are the types of unpublished stories that Natural Health Dossier publishes—the types that mainstream media won't touch ... for fear that Big Pharma will withdraw their advertising spending.

Discover the world's most accurate and early cancer test—which requires only a small blood sample and is covered by Medicare—by clicking here. Find out about the safe, proven immunity-boosting supplements that have been shown to eradicate cancer as easily as overcoming the common cold. Even if you're among the 44 million Americans who have no health insurance, a major disease like cancer need not put a cramp on your wallet or wipe out your life savings— and your life! Go here now and learn what 99.9% of the population doesn't know about detecting and curing cancer.

Posted By Healing Cancer

Tremendous Healing Potential from a Life-Changing Experience

Tremendous Healing Potential from a Life-Changing Experience

Astronauts fortunate to have gazed upon the Earth from space are profoundly changed by their extraordinary experience.

This is known as the "overview effect" and it may help you, as well as millions around the globe with its tremendous personal healing potential.

Click here to read the full article >>

posted by Healing Cancer


Dear phil,

I recently came across what I believe is the most promising cancer advancement of the past 30 years.

A neurochemist developed it over the course of 20 years. Already several major studies (on over 10,000 patients combined) have verified its accuracy. The FDA has even approved it.

But, strangely, this cancer discovery has been kept almost completely quiet. (The reason why made me furious—I bet you'll feel the same way.)

I just finished watching this special video alert... It's got everything you need to know about this medical development.

You've got to watch it now...

To your health,

Maria Dolgova
Associate Publisher
NHD "Health Watch"

Saturday, 17 December 2011

Salvestrols- A Natural Anti-Cancer Chemicals Found in Every Day Fruits

Salvestrols- A Natural Anti-Cancer Chemicals Found in Every Day Fruits

Did You Know…that there are nutritional compounds called salvestrols that seek out cancer cells present in the body … and unleash a stream of chemical agents which kill cancer cells within 30 minutes—but keep normal cells unharmed?
Salvestrols are a new class of natural anti-cancer chemicals found in certain dietary plants and fruits. salvestrols Unlike other natural compounds and phytochemicals that are categorized as a single chemical type of plant compound, salvestrols are defined on the basis of their mechanism of anti-cancer action.
Read the full story

Healing Cancer: Courts Rule that Prempro Causes Cancer, but FDA Still Promotes It

Courts Rule that Prempro Causes Cancer, but FDA Still Promotes It

December 13, 2011
PfizerDespite large pay outs to victims, Pfizer keeps selling the hormone replacement drug and the government keeps trying to make sure there’s no competition from the natural alternative!
This past week, a court told Pfizer Inc., the multinational pharmaceutical company, to pay $72.6 million in damages to three women. Each had developed breast cancer after taking the company’s hormone replacement drug, Prempro (made from pregnant mares’ urine), for treatment of their menopause symptoms. So why is this drug still being sold?
In 2002, the National Institutes of Health sponsored a Women’s Health Initiative study that showed Prempro is linked to cancer. The research demonstrated that Prempro, which is already known to increase the risk of breast cancer, also makes it more likely that the cancer will advance quickly and prove fatal.
Read the full story

Are Too Many Older People Screened for Cancer?

Are Too Many Older People Screened for Cancer?
health day
Debate over testing should weigh health and life expectancy, expert says MONDAY, Dec. 12 (HealthDay News) -- Many older Americans get screened for colon, breast, prostate and cervical cancer even though guidelines recommend against routinely screening the elderly, a new study finds.
As the population of the United States continues to age, balancing good health care with costs will be a continuing battle, experts say. "In an era of escalating health care utilization and expenditures in the United States, identifying areas for cost containment while concurrently improving quality of care in our health care system is increasingly paramount," said lead researcher Keith Bellizzi, an assistant professor of human development and family studies at the University of Connecticut ...
read the full story ››

Shocked doctors forced to admit this cancer cure works

Shocked doctors forced to admit this cancer cure works
Kevin Irish's doctor told him he had late-stage lung cancer that was too far gone for surgery. Kevin tried the 31-Day Home Cancer Cure. When he returned for a follow-up visit, the doctor said, "Are you the terminal patient I saw two months ago? You look great!"

After Richard Wiebe tried this home cure, his doctor told him, "You're a miracle from God!" The same doctor had told Richard he only had six months left.

"Well, I know the cancer is here somewhere!" That's what Frank Woll's doctor said when he couldn't find the cancer with a magnifying glass. A month before, the doc said they'd have to cut off half his ear and part of his neck! These three men got TOTALLY WELL with the 31-Day Home Cancer Cure. Watch this important video presentation and see for yourself.

Also from
Dear Reader,

When the Wikileaks scandal broke earlier this year, U.S. officials weren't the only ones with egg on their faces. Executives for U.S. drug giant Pfizer were also embarrassed by a diplomatic cable.

Hmmm. Embarrassed? No, that's not the right word. I think we can assume that nothing embarrasses these dirtbags.

As you'll see in a moment, the diplomatic cable exposed some dirty dealing that would make you or me (or any human) feel deeply ashamed and disgusted with ourselves. So how did Pfizer executives respond? They sent out a spokesperson who basically said, "Blah, blah, blah. Deny, deny, deny." And that was that. "Crisis" averted!

But I'm not letting them off so easy...

Timeline of disgrace

Here's a quick Timeline of Pfizer's Nigerian Drug Trial Disgrace...

1996: Eleven children died and many were disabled when Pfizer researchers tested a new antibiotic called Trovan on kids with meningitis. Nigerian authorities said they never approved the trial and parents were not informed that their children would receive a drug on an experimental basis.

1998: The FDA approved Trovan for use in adults only. But after reports of liver failure, Trovan use was restricted to adult emergency care.

1999: The European Union banned Trovan.

2000: The Washington Post reported that Pfizer produced a letter from a Nigerian ethics committee that approved the research before the 1996 trial. But the letter turned out to be fabricated by a Pfizer researcher who falsely backdated the letter.

2006: A Nigerian panel concluded that the Pfizer trial was an "illegal" test of an "unregistered drug." The panel called the trial a "clear case of exploitation of the ignorant."

2007: Nigeria filed lawsuits against Pfizer that included homicide and other criminal counts. The legal action sought about $9 billion in restitution and damages.

2010: Pfizer finally settled the suits for about $75 million. All criminal charges were dropped.

So what happened between 2007 and 2010? We can assume that Pfizer lawyers are expert negotiators. But going from $9 billion to $75 million and dropping severe criminal charges? That's insanely successful negotiating!

Maybe a clue to their success can be found in a missing piece of the Timeline that came to light in that diplomatic cable revealed by Wikileaks.

In the 2009 cable, a U.S. official revealed that a Pfizer executive in Nigeria told him that the drug company had hired special investigators. Their mission: Search for evidence of corrupt practices by Nigeria's Attorney General to persuade him to drop the suits.

In early 2010, the Nigerian AG was removed from his post just as alleged corruption ties were being reported by the Nigerian media. Five months later, Pfizer agreed to the $75 million payout.

See, if you're a Pfizer official and you are accused of illegally testing a drug on children, you don't ask yourself, "What's the right thing to do here?" You ask yourself, "Who can we crush to get ourselves out of this?"

Utterly despicable!

If we've learned anything, it's that the only place drug companies and their execs feel anything is in their wallets. So that's where I'm aiming.

I know most of you don't take pharmaceuticals when you can avoid them, but if you do, talk to your doctor about switching to a non-Pfizer drug.

Here's a list of some of the most well-known Pfizer products:

In each of those cases you can choose competitors' products (or, better yet, find non-drug solutions).

Pfizer also makes quite a few over-the-counter products that people use everyday. But we don't HAVE to use them everyday.

For instance, ChapStick could disappear tomorrow and I'd never miss it. Burt's Bees makes a terrific lip balm. Carmex does too.

Same with Pfizer's Advil. I rarely take ibuprofen, but when I do, I've got lots of different brands to choose from. I can go without the Advil, no problem.

Other Pfizer products include ThermaCare heat wraps, Anbesol oral pain reliever, Dristan, Robitussin, Preparation H, FiberCon, and the Centrum line of multivitamins.

If you and I and all our friends and families boycott these products, we're not going to bring down the world's most successful drug company. But we'll at least have the satisfaction of knowing our money isn't paying the obscene bonuses of people who really should be doing hard time in a Nigerian prison.


posted by How to Heal Cancer

Wednesday, 7 December 2011

The Shocking Truth About CoQ10

From hsionline

The Shocking Truth About CoQ10

In This Issue:

*Did You Know...?
*Featured Topic: The Shocking Secret About CoQ10
*A Word from Our Sponsor: 11 Medical Breakthroughs and Breakdowns That Will Rock the World

Did You Know...

...that an alternative sweetener derived from a traditional Andean superfood can lower cholesterol, help control diabetes, and prevent colon cancer?

Known in the Andean mountains of South America as Apple of the Earth, yacon is a form of sweet potato revered in traditional medicine for its myriad healing powers.

A distant relative of the sunflower, yacon is a tuber vegetable resembling a yam. Its roots and leaves have been used in local communities to treat ailments—especially digestive disorders—for centuries. Now, modern scientists recognize yacon's rich stores of phytochemicals to have far-reaching powers to fight both diabetes and obesity.

FOS—The Sweetener That Heals

The source of yacon's delicious, sweet flavor is what makes it such a healthy alternative sweetener. Unlike sugar, high fructose corn syrup, and artificial chemical sweeteners—all of which have lengthy rap sheets of harmful health effects—the sweetening agent in yacon is actually good for you. That's because it's primarily composed of inulin, also called a fructooligosaccharide (FOS).

FOS acts like a sweetener, but your body barely absorbs it. Instead, FOS passes through the digestive system without spiking blood sugar, like most other sweeteners—and without the toxic effects of artificial chemical sweeteners. In fact, FOS appears to help regulate blood glucose, keeping it to normal, manageable levels.

Natural health expert and author Dana Carpender recommends FOS, and describes the benefits of FOS as an alternative sweetener on her health blog:

"Think of it as a sweet form of fiber. FOS has a nice, clean sweet flavor, but it's about half as sweet as sugar... FOS has another interesting property: You can't digest or absorb it, but the good bacteria in your gut can. So eating FOS will increase your healthy intestinal flora."

The Sweet Path to a Healthier Heart

Yacon is also attracting attention for its heart health benefits. In a study reported at the 2009 American Heart Association conference, a Chinese team using yacon to treat patients with prehypertension reported the following impressive results:

Systolic blood pressure dropped by almost 7 points
Diastolic blood pressure was reduced by greater than 7 points
LDL ("bad") cholesterol and triglycerides both dropped significantly

A Powerful Prebiotic Superfood

As Dana Carpender points out, yacon has great prebiotic capacities, which means it can be a key factor in regulating digestion by stimulating good bacteria and helping fight off harmful invaders. Ultimately, this helps protect your body from kidney stones, intestinal and colon breakdown, and liver disease.

David Wolfe points out in his bestselling book, Superfoods: The Food and Medicine of the Future:

"As a prebiotic, yacon is good for digestion, stimulates positive colon health, and helps with the absorption of calcium, magnesium, and B vitamins. Yacon helps to regulate friendly intestinal flora, and especially improves the growth of certain probiotics (...), thus helping to reduce constipation. Yacon root contains significant quantities of potassium and antioxidants. Because of its high antioxidant value, yacon is beneficial in reducing free-radical damage in the body, especially in the colon."

Where to Find FOS and Yacon

Fresh yacon for cooking and eating may be available at your local natural foods store. If not, there are a handful of online suppliers of fresh yacon tubers, leaves, and plants.

Yacon is also available as a supplement capsule, both online and in some co-ops and health food stores. The same is true for FOS, which can be purchased both as a powder to use as a sweetener for foods, as well as a supplement capsule for those solely interested in its prebiotic, blood sugar, and heart health benefits.
= = = = = = = = = = =

Featured Topic:
The Shocking Secret About CoQ10
Over the past few decades, CoQ10 has become one of the most popular supplements in the U.S.—being called a medical miracle because it delivers so many health benefits. It has been shown to ...
* strengthen your heart and keep it pumping strong
* boost brain power, improve memory and provide
mental clarity
* provide cellular energy and effectively combat fatigue
* fight off harmful free radicals in the body, slow down
the aging process
and reduce wrinkles
* enable your body to burn fat more effectively
* support better vision and healthy gums
After the age of 30, natural levels of CoQ10 in the body begin to diminish. By the age of 50, your CoQ10 levels may be too low to support optimal heart function. By age 70, your levels can become so low they can actually accelerate aging.

This is why leading experts who are on the cutting edge of natural health say it's critical to supplement with CoQ10 as you age.
The WORST Culprit is Statin Drugs
It is now estimated that 1 in 3 adults over 50 take a statin. If you're taking a statin drug to "help" your heart, you are in fact slowly draining your heart of CoQ10—the very fuel it needs for optimal health.
An unprecedented number of people have been buying CoQ10 at health food stores—mistakenly thinking that all CoQ10 is the same. But there's a dirty little secret that they will not tell you on the label. All of the research supporting the benefits of CoQ10 have been conducted using natural CoQ10. But most supplements are made with synthesized CoQ10.
Tobacco Leaves
Is your CoQ10 made from tobacco leaves?
Perhaps the worst thing is that it's synthesized from a shocking primary source, and that is ... tobacco leaves!


Most people don't realize that 100% natural CoQ10 is usually no more expensive then synthetic CoQ10. You just need to know how to look for it.

How to "Read Between the Lines" When Buying CoQ10

Discount brands, such as those found in drugstores or big box retailers, do a great job hiding the source of their CoQ10. But here's a fool proof "cheat sheet" that will help guide you:
1. Look for the words "trans-form" on the label. Trans-form CoQ10 is identical to the CoQ10 produced naturally within the body. If you read all of the studies on CoQ10, you'll discover that every single CoQ10 researcher in the world uses only trans-form CoQ10.
2. Check to see if the CoQ10 is made using yeast fermentation, which yields the most effective, biologically active form.

It's almost impossible to find trans-form CoQ10 in health food stores, vitamin shops or even among online retailers. By clicking here, you can find the highest quality trans-form CoQ10, which is quickly absorbed into your bloodstream—and makes you start feeling better almost immediately. By using trans-form CoQ10, you'll notice more energy and stamina ... enhanced cognitive function ... reduced signs of aging ... improved cardiovascular function ... fewer aches and pains ... and better immune health within 7 days. You owe it to yourself to protect your heart, age well and feel youthful. Click here now!

If the links above aren't working, just copy & paste the following
website address onto your Internet browser:
= = = = = = = = = = =
A Word from Our Sponsor:
11 Medical Breakthroughs
and Breakdowns That Will Rock the World

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One woman did it after NINE Years on prescription drugs... with a cure your doctor has never heard of.

Click here for this and 10 more secrets of underground medicine.

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If the link above isn't working, just copy & paste the following
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Saturday, 26 November 2011

Cancer Causes & the Impact of Emotion

Cancer Causes & the Impact of Emotion

I listened in on a very interesting call this weekend. Dr Patrick Kingsley (now retired) who was one of the most effective cancer doctors around gave an interview about his approaches to cancer and how he treated more than 3,000 end-stage cancer patients in his thirty years of practice.
Dr Kingsley did not use the traditional treatments on his patients. He did not use chemotherapy, radiotherapy, or surgery to treat them. Instead he used nutrition, lifestyle changes, and making the patient believe he or she could beat the cancer, to treat them. The amazing thing is that he kept every single patient alive. He gave me a wonderful insight into what exactly cancer is and how, through lifestyle choices, nutrition and of course belief, you can achieve health.
So what exactly is cancer?
You should examine this particular blog post with great care, the problem and the fixes have so many versions. It’s widely believed that when cancer develops, there are 3 things which have gone wrong. First, something has caused stem cells in a particular tissue to stop developing into normal cells. Second, the p53 gene has stopped sending out messages to certain cells to die by apoptosis. And thirdly, something has damaged normal cells so badly that they’ve stopped working properly.
Cancer develops when the level of toxins in our bodies become excessive, to the point where they damage our cells and the information our cells carry regarding their function in our bodies.
We produce cancer cells quite regularly. Our immune systems are designed to identify rogue cells and eliminate them and this happens all the time, except when our immune systems are over stressed.

Infectious Causes of Human Cancer/ Prof. Harald zur Hausen – YouTube
The medicinal industry and science accept that a number of environmental factors can cause cancer. These accepted causes are radiation, asbestos, tobacco, viruses such as the Human Papilloma Virus (HPV), and chemicals.
However Dr Kingsley has observed other causes of cancer which are in line with my insights into cancer. Dr Kingsley has observed that stress of any sort is a major cause of cancer. During his consultations with cancer patients, it was discovered that, ‘… Shortly before the cancer was discovered, some form of stress occurred.’
So what does stress do to cause cancer? Firstly, it impacts your immune system. Secondly, it creates a demand for better nutrition. What often happens is that when we’re stressed, we tend to ignore our diets and snack on convenient foods and drink more tea and coffee and alcohol and often smoke even more. This creates an environment more appropriate for cancer to develop.
Normal cells thrive in a slightly alkaline environment, while cancer cells thrive in an acid environment. Stress causes our bodies to become more acidic which creates an ideal environment for cancer to thrive. Besides creating this ideal environment for cancer to grow, if this stressful environment continues for too long, your body will suffer because in order to neutralize the excess acid in your body, calcium is withdrawn from your bone which creates weak bones and potentially osteoporosis.
Dr Kingsley went on to suggest that cancer could be a protective mechanism. For example: lung cancer is trying to protect you from cigarette smoke or asbestos, and cervical cancer is trying to protect you from the Human Papilloma Virus etc.
This hypothesis offers you the opportunity to try to overcome the cancer that’s affecting you at present. This state of affairs is all the more likely to occur if you have been under a lot of stress, especially shortly before your cancer showed up as a specific symptom or lump.
Dr Kingsley suggests that, ‘…if you can identify and eliminate the cause of your cancer, you do not need the cancer…’
Having had cancer myself, I’m very aware of the impact of my emotions on my body. A few years before I was diagnosed, my life changed dramatically and I did not cope with the changes very well and on an emotional level I closed in on myself. We then suffered a very late stage miscarriage at twenty-three weeks in January 2006. If I had been able to hold on to the pregnancy for one more week we would have been able to save the baby. This devastated us as a family and I really struggled to deal with the emotional turmoil that was left in the wake of this loss.
Almost exactly a year later I was diagnosed with cancer after finding a lump in my breast. I can’t justify pinning my diagnosis purely on the loss of a baby as cancer is a complex combination of a number of things. But dealing with the emotional issues I had previously not acknowledged or accepted has created a much better environment internally and externally to create the space for me to step into my destiny and walk my path with my head held high and be able to face the challenges that life brings us.
For those who do not know me, I really just wanted to introduce myself to you. In brief; I’m a mother of 2 absolutely amazing little girls and a former cancer patient.
I’ve a loving and supportive family and an amazing network of friends. I’ve found my calling in life and am following it with great passion and love. I’m certainly not scared of the future or angry about my illness and I definitely do not feel guilty about being ill anymore. I’ve re-engaged with life and am more in touch with who I’m and what my purpose is in life than ever before. But that hasn’t always been the case.
In 2007 I was diagnosed with breast cancer. At the time I was pregnant with my second daughter; Ruby. You can imagine, this compounded the experience significantly. I spent a year undergoing operations, chemotherapy, childbirth and radiotherapy. At the end of the process my body and spirit were battered and bruised. I had hit rock bottom. I had to find a way out of the darkness or get away from everything I know and love to spare them the fallout.Fortunately my background and interest lies in human development, and with a lot of self will and amazing support from friends and family, I slowly but surely clawed my way back. My purpose in life is to help people in a similar situation to find themselves again. To re-engage with life and to live life with energy and passion. Do you know somebody who has been diagnosed with cancer who’s still hiding from life? For more information go to:Contact Information phone: +44 (0)7870 275 257

Posted by How to Heal Cancer

Wednesday, 23 November 2011

Acetaminophen & Prostrate Cancer


Dear Reader,
"Hello? American Cancer Society? Hi, I don't know if you're aware of this, but acetaminophen overdose that causes liver failure is a dangerous health crisis right now."

That's my imaginary phone call to the ACS. You see, ACS researchers recently reported that prostate cancer risk drops by 40 percent in men who take at least 30 acetaminophen pills per month for at least five years.

Now, the researchers weren't looking for a way to reduce risk of this worrisome cancer. They were looking for clues to the cause of prostate cancer.

So apparently ACS officials have no intention of promoting heavy acetaminophen use as a cancer preventive. And that's a good thing. Because that would be insane.
And I'm not using "insane" as a metaphor. You would literally have to be out of your mind.
And speaking of being out of your mind...
Messing up the message
The subtle strategies of cancer research are not of much interest to media outlets that are constantly in the hunt to grab readers and pull them in with the first sentence.

So here's how UPI launches into the ACS study: "A fairly heavy dose of acetaminophen for five years or longer was associated with an estimated 38 percent lower risk of prostate cancer."
A "fairly heavy dose"? Gee -- what could possibly go wrong there?

A report in Medical News Today was even worse, stating, "A man who takes one acetaminophen tablet each day for at least five years has a 38% lower chance..." etc.
Wait for further studies? No time for that! MNT is obviously sold on the plan: Men, take one pill a day for five years. Go!

Both articles do get around to mentioning the true intent of the study. But by then the damage is done. Because there really are men out there who will read the slapdash "recommendations" in the early paragraphs and head out to Sam's Club to buy the biggest bottle of acetaminophen they can find.
Does that sound unlikely? After all, people are much more aware of the dangers of acetaminophen these days, right?

Well, that's what I thought too. But the results of interviews conducted with focus groups in Atlanta and Chicago are pretty frightening...
More than two-thirds of the subjects were unaware that Tylenol contains acetaminophen. And well over half admitted that when they use OTC drugs they don't read the labels.

We have a long, long way to go before we resolve the crisis of liver failure caused by acetaminophen overuse. And it doesn't help a bit when media outlets casually inform men that they can avoid one of the most dreaded cancers by popping a daily acetaminophen.

Of course, popping a "fairly heavy dose" of acetaminophen could actually help you avoid any kind of cancer...since the liver failure will probably get you first.

This anti-aging secret is so powerful -- Buddhist monks carefully guarded it for centuries...
When scholars began translating a sacred text from the 1300s, they had no idea they were about to uncover an ultra secret anti-aging phenomenon.
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  • Marvel at your radiant skin and thick healthy hair
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...and another thing

Several years ago I told you about the link between diabetes and liver cancer. Two different studies showed that diabetics may be as much as three times more likely to develop liver cancer compared to non-diabetics.
New research expands on those studies, and I'm afraid the news isn't good.
A recent CDC study shows that diabetics are at greater risk of developing several types of cancer, including cancers of the colon, breast, pancreas, kidney, prostate, and leukemia. 

 In addition, other research shows that as cancer patients, diabetics have less chance of survival compared to non-diabetics.

If you're diabetic, there are two key lifestyle changes you can make that will help control blood sugar and reduce your risk of cancer: 1) Maintain a proper body weight, and 2) If you're a smoker, stop immediately.

Whether you're diabetic or not, these can be enormously difficult changes to make and sustain over the long term. But for survival and high quality of life, they're a must.
To Your Good Health,
Jenny Thompson

Posted by How to Heal Cancer

Tuesday, 22 November 2011

How to Heal Cancer

When one asks how to heal cancer? This is a big question and healing cancer is not as difficult as many perceive, but there is a problem or dilemma. The problem is one of a lack of correct information and a plethora of misinformation. The view of the questioner who asks “How to heal cancer” is important. If they are in the majority then they probably see cancer as something foreign to them and then they want something to fight, kill and destroy the enemy (the cancer). To these people I can only say, I can’t show you how to heal cancer unless you first be prepared to let go of all your perceptions about cancer and start from the position that you know nothing about it and that you have a goal to be healthy.

Cancer is a word, a noun and to do an action to a noun, then you have to know what it is. For example, to know how to sit on a chair, you have to know what a chair is and you have to know what sit means.

How to heal cancer? First we’ll look at the word heal. All living things have the ability to self heal and all healing is self healing, we can get assistance and help our self healing system but it us and our cells that do the healing. Only our cells have the ability to heal. So when we heal we are healing ourselves. The self healing system is working continuously, and we can be of enormous help by removing what is slowing down or preventing the self healing system, doing its job effectively.

Now we will look at cancer. You may see cancer as an enemy, something that you have got but what do you know about it? Can you articulate and describe it fully? You may call it a disease and then think of something like measles and if you kill the measles virus then you will regain health. But Cancer cells are your own cells, not foreign bodies and the body supports the cancer, clearly there is much, much more to know. Your cancer cells are doing something and though the mainstream may see it as they are rogue or defective cells, this is ignorance. Cancer cells are wound healing cells, they are healing cells, healing wounds, stress and irritants. We can use the overriding general term stress. Stress is anything that is damaging to the body (body includes our minds and everything that is us).

So I am proposing that cancer is the healing system in action and though many die from cancer, they are more correctly dying from the side effects and collateral damage of the reaction between the healing system and whatever the particular stress is. Now the healing cells (cancer cells) are quite capable of healing the stress. So what is going wrong here? What is going wrong, is that the stress is continuing! The stress could be physical, nutritional or emotional. If the stress is continually occurring then the healing is continually occurring but with no end. This is cancer. To be healthy, you need to stop the stress from occurring. The self healing system will then stop trying to heal the now nonexistent stress and the body will return to health.

Back to the title – how do you heal cancer? Answer – you don’t for there is nothing wrong with the cancer (healing) process, you heal you or more correctly, you heal your life.

By Philip Martin

Monday, 21 November 2011

Breaking News:

Breaking News: Over 10 years of the latest cancer research is now tainted by falsified data from the cancer scientist, Shen Wang, Ph.D. Dr. Joseph Mercola, noted that cancer research in the U.S. needs to be scrutinized. "Much of it is money-driven and based on developing new drugs."
Click to read this article >>
Posted by How to Heal Cancer

Sunday, 20 November 2011

Program Your DNA in 2 Minutes to Create a Healthy Body

For decades I have proposed and believed that DNA resonates in harmony with our feelings and vice versa.The implications of this is profound.
Philip Martin


Program Your DNA in 2 Minutes to Create a Healthy Body

DNA is your "blueprint" of life, governing the development and functioning of every living organism. In a recent study, test subjects trained to generate focused feelings of deep love and appreciation, caused the DNA strands to unwind and exhibit positive changes in just two minutes. When those feelings were missing, no changes were observed in the DNA.

Keep reading as this maybe the first scientific evidence of the long-held therapy that emotion greatly affects our health and quality of life.

Posted by How to Heal Cancer

Healing Cancer: $8 “Nutritional Chemotherapy” for Curing Cancer?

$8 "Nutritional Chemotherapy" for Curing Cancer?

Did You Know that an extract of the turmeric root contains a phytochemical called curcumin, which has been shown to eliminate cancer cells from the body? And it costs as little as $8 to administer at levels that rival the effects of chemotherapy.

Click here to discover how the benefits of the turmeric root have been shown to eliminate cancer.

Posted by How to Heal Cancer

Thursday, 17 November 2011

Awareness test

Watch this video first

We see and achieve what we focus on. Healing a chronic disease entails focusing on life, health and healing.

Posted By How To Heal Cancer

Cultivating Gratitude

Somehow it seems counter-intuitive to feel grateful for having a chronic illness. After all it can change your life in so many not-so-good ways. That is how I looked at chronic illness before I was diagnosed and for several years after. There was very little good I could find about it. But then something gradually changed and it wasn't my health. It was my attitude. I started feeling grateful.

Chronic illness has helped me become a better person than I was before in ways that I would never go back and change. Ever heard the expression "trial by fire"? Well, that fire can refine us into something as good as gold. Something valuable. Helping us reach a higher standard of human and spiritual existence. The changes were simple at first. Initially, I started feeling greater empathy, especially toward family, friends and even strangers that were struggling with illness. I knew from my own experience what they were going through in their personal trials and was able to be more understanding and helpful to them. Gradually and over time I realized that my own personal capacity for dealing with pain and suffering had increased dramatically. I was able to "endure" more than I ever thought I could. This gave me the confidence I needed to face new challenges. Finally, chronic illness forced me to overcome my own sense of pride and reach out to others for help when I really needed it the most. This has resulted in great blessings for me and my family in learning how to "receive".
Read the whole article here

Posted by How to Heal Cancer

Wednesday, 16 November 2011

The Cure For Cancer

The Cure For Cancer

Find Cure For Cancer
I was amazed, in those early days of our journey, how many people knew of the “cure for cancer.” Everyone, it seemed, was an expert and all you had to do was to eat this or take that. Herbs were excitingly wonderful with curative powers beyond belief. Supplemental vitamins were amazing and would cure everything from the common cold to cancer and everything in between – so the experts told us. As time went on, the burden of having to know everything became overwhelming. I fully appreciate why so many people do not undertake alternative healing, in their search for wellness. In those early days, we had a kitchen that bristled with bushes, leaves and bottles. Our cupboards groaned under the weight of stuff that would have made any health food shop look as if it were well stocked. Eventually, I reasoned that enough was enough and we cut back to a level over which I thought I had some control.
Some people just wanted to help at any cost, and they came forward with their own ideas of what to do, mixed with thoughts gained from experience or conversation with others or something that had been reported in the press (I hope to be able to talk of this at a later date). I remember going to dinner with a friend who had owned a nutritional supply company many years previously. “cancer!” He exclaimed when told, “well in that case, you have to do…..” and he was off and running. His advice came thick and fast and non-stop throughout the entire meal until, in exasperation, I commanded him to cease and desist. “For pity’s sake, stop talking about a cure for cancer!” I told him. “I’m sick and tired of bloody cancer! And I’m sick and tired of being told how to cure it about it.” He was hurt and I was angry, but it cut the conversation off right there and then. And it was right there, on that wonderful sun-drenched veranda, that I decided to investigate the facts for myself, but I would do it in a reasonable and as scientific a way, as is possible for a layman to do.
Research Through Reading
I commenced reading. I enjoyed stories of survival, because those tales reassured me that what we sought, was possible. If someone else has done it, I reasoned, then we could do it. If it’s been done, then it can be done again and if it has not been done, then someone has to be the first. Everything is possible. I found motivational books and read at every opportunity. I would repeat these stories to Donna, even as she slept, believing that, at some level, her mind was listening. Years before, I had found Louise Hay’s books, and so I revisited her writings on a regular basis. They were (and are) easily read books, which are not too heavy in content and can be started from almost any page at any time. Even now, so many years later, I retreat to a comfortable chair with one of her books whenever I need comfort and reassurance.
In order to create some kind of basis for the healing journey, we decided to get guidance from people who had been there before us. Someone who had survived both diagnosis and prognosis. We had learned from many people, that meditation is involved in virtually all long-term cancer survival and so we wanted to learn how to meditate properly. We knew, too, that food is important so we needed to learn what to eat, and when to eat it and how to combine the different foods available and perhaps, as important as any other thing that we could do, we needed to associate with others who were on the same journey, looking for their own cure for cancer, so that we could draw from the communal strength and provide strength to our associates when they required it, because in doing so, we knew that someone, somewhere, would be there for us when we needed it too. We researched our options and decided to join a residential programme at the Gawler Foundation at Yarra Valley, in Victoria, Australia. I have mentioned Ian Gawler, the founder, previously and do so now, as a coincidence rather than anything else. We joined about forty other people for a ten-day live-in experience and there we learned in a most gentle way, about the foods that support a conflicted bodily system and foods that do not. We learned about the use of herbs and supplements from experts in those fields and, for me, the most important thing of all, we learned how to meditate from experts. I had already mediated for some time, but Bob Sharples and Ian Gawler taught me how to meditate.
Our Search To Find Our cure for cancer
And so our journey began. I was interested in researching liver cancer and quickly found that there is so much information on the subject of cancer. So much to learn. Too much really, and so I devised a rule, and I share that with you now, there are so many things, so many techniques, so many programmes throughout the world, that it is impossible to understand them all or to have a working knowledge of them all, so here’s what we decided would work for us, if we heard of something, we would thank the people who told us, or thank the Universe for putting it in our way, and then move on, if we heard of it a second time, from a different source, we would notice it and thank the person or the Universe for sending it again, but if we heard it a third time, from yet another source, I would investigate it and investigate it as thoroughly as I possibly could. Now, you might have noticed, that I changed from we to I and there is a reason for that. The practical reason is that we had just one computer, but more importantly, Donna needed all of her strength in those early days, to maintain her healing. It was her job to concentrate on herself and to rest and recuperate and meditate when she could. There were times, of course, when she was able to do her own investigation, however, gradually that task fell to me. As the cancer support groups commenced, Donna became involved in that organisation. People wanted to speak to the survivor, to be with her and some, to hold her hand, to feel the real. To reassure themselves that it is possible, this survival thing. One person has done it…..
Beware The Weak Spirit
Being the survivor was exhausting for her and this is a good point to remember for you too. I believe that we each have a spirit, some might equate such a spirit with the description of soul, others describe it as presence. No matter how the word spirit is rationalised, I believe that spirit is a finite resource and quickly goes from a positive resonance to negative when not nourished through kindness and unconditional, positive regard for our selves, our fellow travellers, our world and our universe. Now these are cornerstones of life, and are life long strivings to perfect. Some believe that they are the reasons for our existence, whatever you may believe, I think they present us with areas of opportunity. Opportunities to learn? Certainly. Opportunities to grow? Undoubtedly all of these things, but also opportunities to show that we can be fully human in the true sense of the word. Sometimes, we come across another, who has not embraced their opportunities and whose spirit is lacking and those people innately identify another, whose spirit is more complete and they are driven to be with those people. Unconsciously attracted to one whose spirit is stronger. Like a sponge, they quickly take spiritual nourishment, leaving the once strong person, weaker, physically, mentally and psychologically. These weaker spirited people will drain you, if you are not prepared. We have all had the experience, I am sure, that when we have spent time in the company of some people, we my feel that they “have sucked the life out of me” – do you recognise this? That is a weaker spirit, recognising and taking the opportunity to gain sustenance from a stronger spirit. You must be aware of these instances on your healing journey and take precautions to not over-expose yourself. I have mentioned previously, to be aware of who you are around. Get around the right people, as the saying goes, because it is by being around the people you wish to emulate and who are like minded in their thinking, that you will be supported.
A final word about finding the cure for cancer
We have touched on a few of the beginning lessons for the healing journey. The basics we need to address. I shall attempt to expand on many ideas in future entries. These are my ideas based on our experiences and in no way reflect everything that is available. Research is a wonderful thing and today, the internet is a vast and impressive tool – beware of accepting available information on face value. I believe that no one can supply you with the cure for cancer. No oncologist, no naturopath, no surgeon. No one can cure you – except for yourself. We are our own healers, however, sometimes we need assistance to find the way. I have come to the opinion that it is what we put into our head that is the cure for cancer. What we put into our mouth, what we breathe, what we see hear and what we do. I still do not know how the order of importance sits, perhaps it is food, perhaps nutrition or herbs. I believe that the single most important thing that we can do is to gain psychological power. He who thinks he is lost, is lost. Nobody wins a race, without first seeing themselves breasting the tape in front of the field.
by John A Allan
John is a published author, trained in Counselling, NLP, clinical Hypnosis and EFT with more than fifteen years in assisting people with cancer and their carers. John has facilitated both residential and day programmes, including cancer support groups during those years.
He has a blog at where downloadable copies of “cancer Cause And Effect” may be purchased with the free E Book, “A Journey With cancer – Donna’s Story” and Michael Masani’s introduction to meditation “Meditation Made Easy.”
Visit today and claim your copies!
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I particularly like this paragraph
"I have come to the opinion that it is what we put into our head that is the cure for cancer. What we put into our mouth, what we breathe, what we see hear and what we do. I still do not know how the order of importance sits, perhaps it is food, perhaps nutrition or herbs. I believe that the single most important thing that we can do is to gain psychological power. He who thinks he is lost, is lost. Nobody wins a race, without first seeing themselves breasting the tape in front of the field."

Monday, 14 November 2011

Attitude - the key to success

Here is an apt piece from Bob Proctor

Hi Friend,

Victor Frankl once wrote, "Everything can be taken from a person but one thing: the last of human freedoms - to choose one's attitudes in any given set of circumstances, to choose one's own way." Frankl was right. Attitude is a choice. You could be faced with a thousand problems, many or most over which you have absolutely no control. However, there is always one thing you are in complete and absolute control of and that is your own attitude.

When you surrender control of your attitude to what appears to be a negative situation, you will react to that situation. More often than not, reacting is inappropriate. On the other hand, if you were to remain objective, you would respond to the situation appropriately, thereby creating a winning situation.

If attitude is such an important word, why do so few people understand it? To be honest, it wasn't until I was in my late 20s when I finally understood its full impact. All through my teens and into my early adult life, I can't tell you the number of times that I heard, "Bob, if you'd just change your attitude, you would do a lot better." In retrospect I can easily see the cause of my problem. I didn't know what attitude was, let alone know how to change it!

Attitude is the composite of your thoughts, feelings and actions. Your conscious mind controls feeling and ultimately dictates whether your feelings will be positive or negative by your choice of thoughts, then your body displays those choices through action and behavior.

Attitude is actually a creative cycle that begins with your choice of thoughts. You do choose your thoughts and that choice is where your attitude originates. As you internalize ideas or become emotionally involved with your thoughts, you create the second stage in forming an attitude; you move your entire being - mind and body - into a new "vibration." Your conscious awareness of this vibration is referred to as "feeling".Your feelings are then expressed in actions or behaviors that produce the various results in your life.

Positive results are always the effect of a positive attitude. Attitude and results are inseparable. They follow one another like night follows day. What I mean by that is: one is the cause, the other, the result. There is a term we use to distinguish this "cause and effect" relationship, it is called The Law of Cause and Effect. Simply stated, if you think in negative terms, you will get negative results; if you think in positive terms you will achieve positive results. Ralph Waldo Emerson reiterated that same point when he said, "A person is what they think about all day long." The results you achieve in life are nothing more than an expression of your thoughts, feelings, and actions. Take a close look at your life and evaluate the results you are achieving in various areas. See if you are able to relate your attitude to your results.

Winning and losing are opposite sides of the same coin - and that coin is attitude. There are many things wrong in this world; unfortunately that is all some people are able to see. Those who view the world in this light are often unhappy and somewhat cynical. Usually, their life is one of lack and limitation and it almost appears as if they move from one bad experience to another. I know people who are like this and I'm certain you do as well. It would appear as if they were born with a streak of bad luck and it has followed them around their whole life. These individuals are quick to blame circumstances or other people for their problems, rather than accepting responsibility for their life and their attitude.

Conversely, there are others who are forever winning and living the good life. They are the real movers and shakers who make things happen. They seem to go from one major accomplishment to another. They're in control of their life; they know where they are going and know they will get there. They are the real winners in life and their wins are a matter of choice.

You can experience that kind of life as well, you only need to decide. Making that simple decision is the first step to a new life. Dorothea Brand once said, "Act as if it were impossible to fail," and I challenge you to do so. By simply becoming aware that you can choose your thoughts each and every day, you will change your entire outlook. You have the power to choose an abundant life no matter your circumstances. That active choice will allow other positive people and opportunities to be attracted into your life. Don't wait to experience all the wonderful things the universe has in store for you. Start today by working on your attitude and welcome the abundant life that you were meant to lead.

To your success,
Bob Proctor
See the 11 Forgotten Laws from Bob Proctor

Posted by How to Heal Cancer

Chantix, Pfizer's smoking cessation drug.

From emails
Highy recommended

Dear Reader,

It's one of those questions we all hope we'll never be faced with...and we shouldn't have to be:

Would you rather risk cancer or literally going crazy?

It would be agonizing to actually have to make that choice. Who would ever want to put themselves at risk of either outcome? Nobody, of course.

Fortunately, the FDA has made the choice for millions in the form of a new recommendation concerning one of the most outrageous drugs I've ever seen -- and as you know, I've seen MANY of those.

I'm talking about Chantix, Pfizer's smoking cessation drug. If you take it and it works you'll quit smoking, which could reduce your risk of getting cancer. But whether it works or not, you're opening yourself (and your loved ones and complete strangers) to a wide range of shocking and dangerous psychological problems.

Tough choice? Well, not for the FDA!

It seems that agency officials have gone well above and far beyond to help protect this drug from the reputation that it might turn mild-mannered folks into raging psychos.

Spinning the message

Here's the chain of events the FDA set in motion that ended up whitewashing this dangerous and only mildly effective drug.

First, the agency sponsored two Chantix studies. Each evaluated risk of neuropsychiatric adverse events linked to the drug.

Second, the FDA issued a "Safety Announcement," to tell us this: "Neither study found a difference in risk of neuropsychiatric hospitalizations between Chantix and nicotine replacement therapy."

Third, the media responded with headlines like this one from MSNBC: "FDA: Studies do not tie Chantix to psych problems."

Mission Accomplished!

So if you were feeling a bit wary about trying Chantix because you heard that some people have extreme adverse events ranging from rage to suicide, well don't you worry about a thing, because these studies (according to many different headlines) do not tie Chantix to psych problems. No worries!


Here's the catch...

The key word in the FDA announcement is the word "hospitalizations."

You see, both of the studies examined the numbers of neuropsychiatric hospitalizations linked to Chantix. So, for instance, if there had been a man enrolled in this study who committed murder-suicide (this is just one actual tragedy linked to the drug, outside the study), there would be no hospitalization involved so his outcome wouldn't be included in the results.

Is that clever, maneuvering by the people who designed this study, or what?

But here's the truly amazing thing: In the Safety Announcement, the FDA actually ADMITS that the study is fundamentally flawed, stating that the results "do not rule out an increased risk of other neuropsychiatric events with Chantix."

And yet, even with that disclaimer, the media rushed in with those positive, reassuring headlines, completely ignoring this warning on the Chantix website: "If you...develop suicidal thoughts or actions, anxiety, panic, aggression, anger, mania, abnormal sensations, hallucinations, paranoia, or confusion, stop taking CHANTIX and call your doctor right away."

Call your doctor? You mean, if you decide to murder your wife and commit suicide, you should wait and call your doctor instead? Good advice!

And the same goes for the young woman who beat up her boyfriend in his sleep and then attempted suicide, or the middle-aged man who punched a stranger in a bowling alley, or the woman who became enraged while driving and struck her daughter in the mouth. (All of these are actual reported events that may have been triggered by Chantix use.)

That's right -- don't do any of those things! Just pick up the phone and call your doctor. Hopefully you won't be hallucinating that your phone is an animal trying to attack your face.

The FDA announcement concludes with this: "The Agency continues to believe that the drug's benefits outweigh the risks."

Which leads ME to continue to believe that someone at the Agency may be experiencing neuropsychiatric events.


Jenny Thompson

Posted by How to Heal Cancer

Outrageous New Attack on Dr. Burzynski-New Action Alert

The pioneering cancer doctor is a target once again. But you can help stop the attack.
Stanislaw Burzynski, MD, PhD, is a biochemist practicing in Texas who developed (using his own money) a nontoxic gene-targeted cancer therapy called antineoplastons. It has been shown to effectively help cure some of the most “incurable” forms of terminal cancer.
Dr. Burzynski had tried to get the FDA to review and approve antineoplastons since 1977, to no avail. To make sure he would not get into trouble for using the experimental therapy in his practice, his legal team confirmed that he was acting within the law and could use antineoplastons in his own practice “to meet the immediate needs of patients.” But in the 1980s the Texas Medical Board (TMB) charged him with breaking a law that didn’t actually exist and tried to revoke his medical license. Numerous investigations later—including an appearance before the Texas Supreme Court—found no violation of any law or standard of care. The TMB came up empty-handed.
We have reported on the TMB’s pattern of harassment against integrative doctors a number of times, discussing serious allegations from the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons, the serious attacks on Dr. Bill Rea’s work in environmental medicine and chemical sensitivity, and on Texas Governor Rick Perry’s involvement in appointing board members who actively harass integrative physicians.
As Dr. Joseph Mercola reported in June of this year, the FDA, the pharmaceutical industry, and the National Cancer Institute all knew how promising Dr. Burzynski’s therapy was proving to be. Standard cancer treatment is based on very expensive machines and very expensive toxic drugs. There is an enormous amount of money to be made in this paradigm, and Dr. Burzynski’s work single-handedly threatened to overturn much of it. On the other hand, this treatment showed such promise that they wanted to get their hands on it themselves.
So first they tried to copy his invention using a single non-patented ingredient, and when that failed, they tried to steal his patents out from under him. However, they knew they couldn’t use the stolen patents so long as he had the ability to defend his rights. So the government spent over $60 million to prosecute him on 75 counts of violating federal law, hoping to tuck him away in jail for the rest of his life.
For the next ten years, Dr. Burzynski was engaged in a lengthy and convoluted legal battle with the FDA. After two trials, he was found not guilty on all counts, and his antineoplastons medication is currently undergoing the FDA approval process. His fight was chronicled in a stunning documentary film, Burzynski: The Movie. More info on the documentary can be found at the film’s website, while the movie itself can be viewed online for a limited time.
Now the Texas Medical Board is back. The TMB is making yet another attempt to revoke Dr. Burzynski’s medical license which, if successful, would result in the closure of his clinic, the abandonment of all his patients, and would squelch any possibility of antineoplastons gaining FDA-approval.
Using the death of two of his terminally ill patients as a pretext, the TMB is charging Dr. Burzynski with the off-label use of FDA-approved drugs. It must be stressed, however, that Dr. Burzynski uses the drugs off-label in order to tailor the medication specifically to an individual’s genetic profile, rather than using a one-size-fits-all approach. Dr. Burzynski takes blood and tissue samples from his patients to form their molecular profile. From that he chooses from wide variety of existing FDA-approved drugs to tailor his gene-targeted therapy to his patient’s genetic profile specifically.
Multi-agent targeted gene therapies are the way of future. The American Society of Clinical Oncology has stated that they want to focus on “targeted therapies and personalized diagnosis and treatment” over the next decade. Dr. Burzynski is the only one who is using such a treatment on patients today.
The TMB’s complaint concerns a patient who had triple-negative breast cancer, had already undergone conventional cancer treatment without success, and initially felt better after Dr. Burzynski’s treatment and was able to return to work. The board is charging Dr. Burzynski over the side effects of his treatment, though they do not seem concerned with the horrible side effects she experienced with the conventional cancer treatments.
The complaint also concerns a patient with estensioneruoblastoma, a cancer so rare that any medication use would have been “off-label” since there is no recognized treatment for this disease at all. The patient lived for five more years and the tumor decreased in size by 40%, but the TMB complaint is charging that the disease actually progressed during his treatment.
The off-label use of FDA-approved drugs is not uncommon, and it is legal. According to the American Cancer Society, a study showed that 8 out of 10 cancer doctors surveyed had used drugs off-label. And half of the chemotherapy drugs used are for conditions not listed on the FDA-approved drug label.
Please take 20 minutes to watch this brand-new video on the upcoming court case, and share it with friends. Not only does it outline the charges involved in this case, but it also gives you a glimpse at a new side of Dr. Burzynski’s treatment. You’ll be shocked at how flimsy the TMB’s case is—and how doggedly persistent the board is in harassing Dr. Burzynski and others like him.
The Texas Medical Board v. Stanislaw Burzynski trial will begin on April 11, 2012. Please write to Gov. Rick Perry, who appointed a number of members of the TMB, including its heads, as well as the House Committee on Public Health and the Senate Committee on Health and Human Services, which oversee the TMB. This is about our right as citizens to choose our own cancer treatment—and not allow decades of important gene-targeted cancer research be flushed down the drain in the name of protecting the profits of an industry that doesn’t want Burzynski to survive. Please take action today!
Click THIS LINK to go to the Action Alert page. Once there, fill out the form with your name and address, etc., and customize your letter. We have a suggested message for you, but please feel free to add your own comments to the letter.
We’d also love to hear your comments about this article—just add your thoughts below—but remember that the messages below are only seen by our ANH-USA readers and not the Texas Legislature, the Governor, etc.