A Time for Healing Cancer
Healing cancer takes place when the conditions are right and favorable, doesn’t this hold true for most if not all things? Let us look at the conditions that enable healing cancer to take place;
Please answer these questions after deep reflection, listen to your inner feelings, feelings are the lanquage of the unconscious mind and you are after the unconscious answers. It is the unconscious mind that enables healing.
1. Desire – You must truly desire what you want. Write out what you want.
2. What then? – If you had this goal fully and completely, what then? (What would you desire then?) What then? What then?
3. Specific – Know exactly what you want. Look at what you wrote above. Imagine your goal with all your senses. See how you live with your goal. Notice the changes in your life as a result of achieving this goal. Do you still want it? If you had achieved your goal right now, would you keep it? would you continue to keep the goal for many years to come?
4. Did any doubts or objections arise? If so write them down.
5. Importance – Rate how important your goal is to YOU, how badly do you want it? Give your goal an importance rating out of 100. First look at other goals you have achieved and not achieved in the past and rate them first. This way you your rating will be more accurate. Also when rating your goal, sit with eyes closed and imagine a gauge with the numbers from 0 to 100 and a red needle to indicate the importance. Now allow the needle without any influence from you showl you how important your goal is.
6. Urgency – Urgency magnifies importance. When do want the healing to begin? When do you want the healing to be completed by?
7. Realistic – Is your goal realistic and reasonable? Do you believe it to be attainable? Has anybody esle achieved it.
8. Motivation – Does your goal excite you? Does the thought of attaining your goal uplift you and fill you with passion?
9. Flexibility – Are you willing to modify your behavior to do more of what works and less of what doesn’t work? Are you aware of where you are rigid in your behaviors and beliefs?
10. Permission – Are you allowed to have your goal?
11. Willingness – Are you willing to do what is necessary?
12. Beliefs – What beliefs are necessary to be a part of your new pathway (attaining and maintaining your goal?)
13. Limiting beliefs – What beliefs that you hold, will prevent you from attaining your goal?
14. Experiences – What experiences will maintain your goal attaining beliefs?
What experiences will maintain your present state/illness, limiting beliefs?
15. Action – All results are a result of actions. You have to work at it. Every day do actions that you know are beneficial to achieving your goal. List the actions you take. Congratulate yourself at the end of each day for the actions that you took that day.
What do you need to do to have your goal?
16. Persistence – Constantly take the actions and effort to do what is necessary.
17. Space – Healing takes place in the empty space. Health fills the vacuum. Love the void and love will fill the void. Where can you create an internal space?
18. Meditation/self hypnosis – Communicate with your unconscious mind. Your unconscious mind is in control of the healing/illness system. The more you are in touch with the unconscious mind the better.
19. Fear – Eliminate (release) fear (not scaredness), have the courage to investigate your fears, and get help if necessary to release them. Do you fear yourself?
If you do, why?
20. Love – Love really does heal all. This maybe an overdone cliché, but nevertheless, it is absolutely true! Discover what love is. How was love demonstrated in your family as a child? What did you learn about love? Do you love yourself? What do you have to do to earn love, acceptance?
21. Release – Release, work through feelings of resentment, helplessness, hatred, anger etc, these are all valid emotions, but they create chemical toxins when they are repressed, as do all repressed feelings.
22. Commitment – 100% commitment means success. How can you raise your commitment to 100%?
What is preventing you from being 100% committed?
Healing a terminal or chronic illness is a matter of creating the correct conditions. The list above is helpful in aiding you to discover information about the correct conditions for you. Get uncomfortable, pry, ask, demand, seek, do!!! or be comfortable and not do. The choice is yours – be aware of the consequences.
By Philip Martin
Recommended Reading
Life Patterns the Secret to Emotional Freedom
Posted by Healing Cancer
Cancer cure information, healing cancer, natural healing, how to heal cancer, alternative cancer treatments, how to cure cancer, cancer help, survive cancer, beat cancer
Friday, 9 March 2012
Monday, 5 March 2012
Cancer is Curable Now have been working very hard to create something which we believe will grow into a worldwide movement. A movement which is designed to empower cancer patients, nurses, health practitioners, doctors and, caregivers. That is to say, the community in general. This movement will show the world that CANCER IS CURABLE NOW with COMMON SENSE.
To achieve such a big goal we have joined forces with the best cancer experts from around the world and have created a COMMON SENSE COMMUNITY which is second to none.
Starting with the movie "CANCER IS CURABLE NOW" we have already reached thousands of people from around the globe. And it is going to get a lot bigger!
I hope you are well and shaking the world with your work. Have a look at the link below and examine the offer to see if you want to be involved in this important project. Personally I think this is an amazing cause. Marcus has already gathered such a huge momentum that I don't think you want to miss being part of this revolution. canceriscurablenow.tv/blog/watch-directors-cut-now/
Marcus has edited a FREE 1 hour directors cut from his original documentary "CANCER IS CURABLE NOW". This is a slightly shorter version of the movie and it is an extremely powerful message for anyone who wants to prevent and heal cancer. It's good common sense and very informative. This free video is the first step of a complete cancer education program, and details of that offer are available on the web-page below the movie. If you decide to join as affiliate please go to canceriscurablenow.tv/affiliate-program/?
Marcus has created a structure where every affiliate can have a 2nd tier of affiliates below themselves. So if you know even more influential people and professionals, don't hesitate. Forward this email to them. It would be great if they sign up under my name. :-) Just kidding! Have a great day and, please, let me know what you think of the program. Its offers, content and/or goals.
Philip Martin
Cancer is Curable Now have been working very hard to create something which we believe will grow into a worldwide movement. A movement which is designed to empower cancer patients, nurses, health practitioners, doctors and, caregivers. That is to say, the community in general. This movement will show the world that CANCER IS CURABLE NOW with COMMON SENSE.
To achieve such a big goal we have joined forces with the best cancer experts from around the world and have created a COMMON SENSE COMMUNITY which is second to none.
Starting with the movie "CANCER IS CURABLE NOW" we have already reached thousands of people from around the globe. And it is going to get a lot bigger!
I hope you are well and shaking the world with your work. Have a look at the link below and examine the offer to see if you want to be involved in this important project. Personally I think this is an amazing cause. Marcus has already gathered such a huge momentum that I don't think you want to miss being part of this revolution. canceriscurablenow.tv/blog/watch-directors-cut-now/
Marcus has edited a FREE 1 hour directors cut from his original documentary "CANCER IS CURABLE NOW". This is a slightly shorter version of the movie and it is an extremely powerful message for anyone who wants to prevent and heal cancer. It's good common sense and very informative. This free video is the first step of a complete cancer education program, and details of that offer are available on the web-page below the movie. If you decide to join as affiliate please go to canceriscurablenow.tv/affiliate-program/?
Marcus has created a structure where every affiliate can have a 2nd tier of affiliates below themselves. So if you know even more influential people and professionals, don't hesitate. Forward this email to them. It would be great if they sign up under my name. :-) Just kidding! Have a great day and, please, let me know what you think of the program. Its offers, content and/or goals.
Philip Martin
Sunday, 4 March 2012
Cancer Drugs May Be Destroying Important "Gatekeeper" Cells...
Cancer Drugs May Be Destroying Important "Gatekeeper" Cells...
An alarming new study reports that some cancer drugs and conventional treatments can make tumors more aggressive and deadly by actually sabotaging the body's defense against cancer. These drugs are destroying important "gatekeeper" cells called pericytes.
Keep reading to discover how pericyte cells may halt cancer progression, and why destroying pericytes can be a deadly mistake.
Posted by Healing Cancer
An alarming new study reports that some cancer drugs and conventional treatments can make tumors more aggressive and deadly by actually sabotaging the body's defense against cancer. These drugs are destroying important "gatekeeper" cells called pericytes.
Keep reading to discover how pericyte cells may halt cancer progression, and why destroying pericytes can be a deadly mistake.
Posted by Healing Cancer
Saturday, 3 March 2012
Your Greatest Weapon Against Breast Cancer (Not Mammograms)
Your Greatest Weapon Against Breast Cancer (Not Mammograms)
If you like the idea of having what may be the equivalent of 1,000 chest x-rays in one sitting and actually boosting the mutations that increase your risk of breast cancer, then get a mammogram. Otherwise, rely on this secret weapon - it's cancer's greatest enemy...
Posted by Emotional Healing
If you like the idea of having what may be the equivalent of 1,000 chest x-rays in one sitting and actually boosting the mutations that increase your risk of breast cancer, then get a mammogram. Otherwise, rely on this secret weapon - it's cancer's greatest enemy...
Posted by Emotional Healing
Thursday, 1 March 2012
Meaning the cause and cure of cancer
Meaning the cause and cure of cancer
Why is it necessary to know how the mind creates meaning? If you have cancer then I put it to you, that the cancer is a result of a pattern of meanings. What do I mean by this? Meaning is information that our mind has placed on an event, and this meaning is causative, that is, meaning produces reactions and those reactions have an effect. And all meanings are created by the conscious mind.
For every event in your life you will attach a meaning, for example if you watched your neighbor, place a wooden stake in the ground in his front yard, can you just accept that he simply put that stake in the ground and leave it at that? Or are you compelled to know why he put that stake in the ground? Your mind wants to place a sentence in your memory with what you physically saw. It wants to attach the sentence ‘he put the stake in the ground because .....’ It could be that he is going to put a letter box on top or he may attach a ‘for sale’ sign on it or if you see no obvious use for the stake, you may say because he is crazy. The meaning that you attach to the event, will depend on how you perceive the event. Any realistic meaning will do as long as there is a meaning attached, for the conscious mind cannot understand the incoming neutral information from the senses.
This incoming neutral information is conducted via electrical signals to the unconscious mind and the conscious mind communicates with language whereas the unconscious communicates with electrical and chemical signals and the subconscious communicates with feelings. So for the conscious mind to interpret the scene, it has to create a sentence, to describe and translate the information and the conscious mind is compelled to attach a meaning for this is its purpose. The conscious mind’s job/purpose is to attach meaning to reality.
The purpose can be described as - To see and experience what is and ask what does this mean and of course to supply the answer. So the conscious mind creates a reality (meanings) to overlay the existing reality. This reality though is our unique reality, for we can only answer 'what does this mean to me'. This is why the ancient eastern mystics say that reality is an illusion.
Once a meaning is attached, you now have a memory and it is now a fixed stable object that now resides in the brain. The memory is composed of two parts, one, the visualization of the physical event (the actual physical event happened outside of you and ceased to exist the moment after it occurred) and the meaning that you created, to attach to the visual copy of the event. You then attach a value to the memory, that is, how important is the memory in terms of your ongoing survival. In the case of the neighbor, there is little value or emotional impact, so the memory will unlikely produce any lasting reaction or effects.
Now if the neighbor took out a gun and started shooting at the stake, then you will place a meaning on the new event of him shooting at the stake. This meaning will likely have more value and an emotional impact. You may attach the meaning of 'he is a dangerous lunatic'. This memory, in particular the meaning, will create reactions within you, because you have deemed that the neighbor may be dangerous to your existence.
Next you will take actions to assist your existence. You may call the police, you may become more security conscious, you may move house. The memory, because it will have a higher value on it, will remain in recall and you may form beliefs and patterns from the memory and a chain of events will ensure.
The actions and effects that have come about, have come about because of the meaning placed on the event. It is easy to assume that we are reacting to the event but the event is neutral, as are all events. We react to the meaning that we have created, from our perception of the event. This may be useful or not. But we have to be clear here, it is the meaning that we attach to an event that causes an effect (for us). The event itself has no meaning, it is only meaningful to our perceptions. We fall into the assumption that the event caused an effect or reaction. This is because we see the event and the attached meaning as one thing and because the event actually happened, that is, it is a fact, then we believe the memory is a fact. But it is not, it is compilation of fact and perception.
To heal cancer or any chronic condition, it is imperative to understand the distinction between an event and the meaning attached to that event. The meaning is an illusion, it may be beneficial or not, it may have merit or not, but it cannot be the truth, it cannot be a fact. The best it can be is beneficial. The meaning is true in the eyes of its creator but is only part of the truth. If a number of people witnessed the same event, then it is likely they will all have formed a different meaning. They will form their own unique meaning based on their life history and therefore their unique perception. This unique perception is made up mainly of a pattern of older meanings and these older meanings are illusions too. So we have illusions creating further illusions.
As these other people have different meanings to the exact same event and all their meanings are true for the individual, how then can one meaning be true? For if it is true, then all the other meanings will have to be wrong. To each event there is an infinite number of meanings and perceptions. Each one can only be a part, a fraction of the truth. To accept one meaning is to deny all the other possible meanings. So in effect, meaning is a denier of the truth. This does not necessarily cause a problem if the meaning is beneficial to us. Though we are fooling ourselves if we believe the meanings are true, rather than what they are. And what they are, are concepts, constructs and perceptions and these dictate how we will perceive future events and what meanings we will place on them.
How does the mind create meaning?
The mind forms a meaning to every single event that we experience. The event is a stimulus to our senses and these are electrical impulses that proceed to the brain. To encode these stimuli and therefore have the information available to the conscious mind, the stimuli have to be translated into the language of the conscious mind which, in my case is English. The conscious mind’s language is our spoken language; whereas the unconscious language is electrical and chemical. To translate the stimuli received by our senses, they are encoded first into sight, sound, touch, smell and taste so that we form a picture. The conscious mind then ‘sees’ the event, this seeing the event is a subconscious (or middle layer process) process and to the conscious mind it is bland and neutral, it is what it is.
The conscious mind has not had an impact or done anything yet. The signal/stimulus it has received after unconscious and subconscious translation is that it is presented with a visualization. The conscious mind now translates the visualization into words and forms a sentence and now the conscious mind does what it is designed to do and asks ‘What does this mean?’ and the answer is the meaning attached to the event. It is what the conscious mind understands and this is now translated into feelings and fed back to the unconscious. Like all translations we have an equation – This equals That. The ‘This’ is the visualization and the ‘That’ is the meaning and like all translations there is room for error, the translation is an approximate. 'This' can only truly equal 'This'. The 'That' is similar but cannot be the same and in the case of the human mind the 'That' can only be a biased perception.
So meaning is the only way the conscious mind can understand (translate) what is. But in the act of understanding what is, it actually has to deny what is and accept what it perceives as what is.
So what we each do as human beings, is to translate what is, into our own unique understanding and seeing as we created the meaning, we then believe the meaning is true.
So how can this article benefit you in healing? What lesson needs to be learnt?
Meanings are causative, they produce an effect. A negative meaning will produce a negative effect (that is, a stress), a positive meaning will produce a positive (beneficial) effect. All emotional effects in your life are caused by meanings. All your beliefs are formed from meanings. Nearly all of your life (your conscious perception), behaviors, moods, actions and results are caused by meanings. Your life at this point in time is the culmination of all your meanings. You are where you are at now because of your meanings.
You, as stated before, create your own meanings from the perceptions that you hold, which in turn were formed by older meanings. In fact the meanings you formed in the first five years of your life have formulated nearly all the rest of your meanings and perceptions. Read the chapter on ‘Beliefs’ - 'Life Patterns the Secret to Emotional Freedom', to understand how most of your beliefs are formed in this early stage of your life.
If you want to change your life and if you want to be healthy and heal cancer, then this necessitates a change of your life and a dramatic one at that. A problem many people with cancer have and that they may be unaware of, is that they want to be free of cancer but don’t want to change. The reason for this will be explained later. It is interesting to note, if you do not want to change or have uneasy feelings about it, what meanings have you formed regarding change?
So, is your cancer a result of the meanings you have created, in short Yes! You may be offended by this statement. But by accepting this statement, you will be able to create the necessary changes, that will lead to health. And by the way, why is it that the body, though having the ability to destroy cancer cells, seems to support tumors, by increasing blood supply to them? Why does the body not seem to recognize cancer as a disease? Have we got the wrong idea about cancer? And how much do we really not know about cancer?
If you accept that your cancer is a result of the meanings you have created, then you can take responsibility for your healing: and let’s get real here, your body and it’s healing potential is the only thing that can heal you. Anything else can only assist your self healing system. No matter what we do to a dead body, we cannot make it heal!
Correct information will help you utilize your self healing system and help you remove what is preventing your self healing system from generating good health. By accepting that cancer is a part of your life and that your life pattern is responsible for it, then you can do something about it, if you created it then you can uncreate it! If it offends you to be told you are responsible for your cancer, please for your sake read on.
I own a car, it is my car and if I have a flat battery and the car won’t go, who is responsible to get the car fixed, obviously it is me. If I do not take responsibility for fixing the car, who will fix it? Will you fix it?
Your self healing system is absolutely amazing and can return your body back into excellent health, this is what it is designed to do and it can do it, but if like my car, you don’t accept the cancer and the healing are both your responsibility, then you are preventing the self healing system operating effectively. As well, there are other obstacles preventing the self healing system doing its job, which will be discussed as we proceed on our journey.
Being responsible does not mean blame, please throw any notion of blame in the rubbish bin. There is no place for blame, it is a totally unnecessary and destructive quality. Also we treat cancer as a bad thing, something to be killed off, cut out, something to fight and battle with, something to be overcome. Please understand, and it will be explained later, that cancer cells are your cells, and as all cells in your body, what are they reacting to, what is their purpose, what is communicated to them.
Cancer cells have a purpose and their purpose is to heal a stressful and damaging stimulus. In fact cancer is the result of a healing process, the cancer is the collateral damage. The cancer has prevented you from dying earlier. By understanding what cancer really is, you can heal this initial ‘disease’ and then it will not be necessary to continue with the cancer process. And it is a process, and when your healing system knows this process is not warranted, it will cease the process and expend its energies on healing any damage done.
Important learning points:
Posted by Healing Cancer
Before we create a meaning, there just is what is.
For every event in your life you will attach a meaning, for example if you watched your neighbor, place a wooden stake in the ground in his front yard, can you just accept that he simply put that stake in the ground and leave it at that? Or are you compelled to know why he put that stake in the ground? Your mind wants to place a sentence in your memory with what you physically saw. It wants to attach the sentence ‘he put the stake in the ground because .....’ It could be that he is going to put a letter box on top or he may attach a ‘for sale’ sign on it or if you see no obvious use for the stake, you may say because he is crazy. The meaning that you attach to the event, will depend on how you perceive the event. Any realistic meaning will do as long as there is a meaning attached, for the conscious mind cannot understand the incoming neutral information from the senses.
This incoming neutral information is conducted via electrical signals to the unconscious mind and the conscious mind communicates with language whereas the unconscious communicates with electrical and chemical signals and the subconscious communicates with feelings. So for the conscious mind to interpret the scene, it has to create a sentence, to describe and translate the information and the conscious mind is compelled to attach a meaning for this is its purpose. The conscious mind’s job/purpose is to attach meaning to reality.
The purpose can be described as - To see and experience what is and ask what does this mean and of course to supply the answer. So the conscious mind creates a reality (meanings) to overlay the existing reality. This reality though is our unique reality, for we can only answer 'what does this mean to me'. This is why the ancient eastern mystics say that reality is an illusion.
Once a meaning is attached, you now have a memory and it is now a fixed stable object that now resides in the brain. The memory is composed of two parts, one, the visualization of the physical event (the actual physical event happened outside of you and ceased to exist the moment after it occurred) and the meaning that you created, to attach to the visual copy of the event. You then attach a value to the memory, that is, how important is the memory in terms of your ongoing survival. In the case of the neighbor, there is little value or emotional impact, so the memory will unlikely produce any lasting reaction or effects.
Now if the neighbor took out a gun and started shooting at the stake, then you will place a meaning on the new event of him shooting at the stake. This meaning will likely have more value and an emotional impact. You may attach the meaning of 'he is a dangerous lunatic'. This memory, in particular the meaning, will create reactions within you, because you have deemed that the neighbor may be dangerous to your existence.
Next you will take actions to assist your existence. You may call the police, you may become more security conscious, you may move house. The memory, because it will have a higher value on it, will remain in recall and you may form beliefs and patterns from the memory and a chain of events will ensure.
The actions and effects that have come about, have come about because of the meaning placed on the event. It is easy to assume that we are reacting to the event but the event is neutral, as are all events. We react to the meaning that we have created, from our perception of the event. This may be useful or not. But we have to be clear here, it is the meaning that we attach to an event that causes an effect (for us). The event itself has no meaning, it is only meaningful to our perceptions. We fall into the assumption that the event caused an effect or reaction. This is because we see the event and the attached meaning as one thing and because the event actually happened, that is, it is a fact, then we believe the memory is a fact. But it is not, it is compilation of fact and perception.
To heal cancer or any chronic condition, it is imperative to understand the distinction between an event and the meaning attached to that event. The meaning is an illusion, it may be beneficial or not, it may have merit or not, but it cannot be the truth, it cannot be a fact. The best it can be is beneficial. The meaning is true in the eyes of its creator but is only part of the truth. If a number of people witnessed the same event, then it is likely they will all have formed a different meaning. They will form their own unique meaning based on their life history and therefore their unique perception. This unique perception is made up mainly of a pattern of older meanings and these older meanings are illusions too. So we have illusions creating further illusions.
As these other people have different meanings to the exact same event and all their meanings are true for the individual, how then can one meaning be true? For if it is true, then all the other meanings will have to be wrong. To each event there is an infinite number of meanings and perceptions. Each one can only be a part, a fraction of the truth. To accept one meaning is to deny all the other possible meanings. So in effect, meaning is a denier of the truth. This does not necessarily cause a problem if the meaning is beneficial to us. Though we are fooling ourselves if we believe the meanings are true, rather than what they are. And what they are, are concepts, constructs and perceptions and these dictate how we will perceive future events and what meanings we will place on them.
How does the mind create meaning?
The mind forms a meaning to every single event that we experience. The event is a stimulus to our senses and these are electrical impulses that proceed to the brain. To encode these stimuli and therefore have the information available to the conscious mind, the stimuli have to be translated into the language of the conscious mind which, in my case is English. The conscious mind’s language is our spoken language; whereas the unconscious language is electrical and chemical. To translate the stimuli received by our senses, they are encoded first into sight, sound, touch, smell and taste so that we form a picture. The conscious mind then ‘sees’ the event, this seeing the event is a subconscious (or middle layer process) process and to the conscious mind it is bland and neutral, it is what it is.
The conscious mind has not had an impact or done anything yet. The signal/stimulus it has received after unconscious and subconscious translation is that it is presented with a visualization. The conscious mind now translates the visualization into words and forms a sentence and now the conscious mind does what it is designed to do and asks ‘What does this mean?’ and the answer is the meaning attached to the event. It is what the conscious mind understands and this is now translated into feelings and fed back to the unconscious. Like all translations we have an equation – This equals That. The ‘This’ is the visualization and the ‘That’ is the meaning and like all translations there is room for error, the translation is an approximate. 'This' can only truly equal 'This'. The 'That' is similar but cannot be the same and in the case of the human mind the 'That' can only be a biased perception.
So meaning is the only way the conscious mind can understand (translate) what is. But in the act of understanding what is, it actually has to deny what is and accept what it perceives as what is.
So what we each do as human beings, is to translate what is, into our own unique understanding and seeing as we created the meaning, we then believe the meaning is true.
So how can this article benefit you in healing? What lesson needs to be learnt?
Meanings are causative, they produce an effect. A negative meaning will produce a negative effect (that is, a stress), a positive meaning will produce a positive (beneficial) effect. All emotional effects in your life are caused by meanings. All your beliefs are formed from meanings. Nearly all of your life (your conscious perception), behaviors, moods, actions and results are caused by meanings. Your life at this point in time is the culmination of all your meanings. You are where you are at now because of your meanings.
You, as stated before, create your own meanings from the perceptions that you hold, which in turn were formed by older meanings. In fact the meanings you formed in the first five years of your life have formulated nearly all the rest of your meanings and perceptions. Read the chapter on ‘Beliefs’ - 'Life Patterns the Secret to Emotional Freedom', to understand how most of your beliefs are formed in this early stage of your life.
If you want to change your life and if you want to be healthy and heal cancer, then this necessitates a change of your life and a dramatic one at that. A problem many people with cancer have and that they may be unaware of, is that they want to be free of cancer but don’t want to change. The reason for this will be explained later. It is interesting to note, if you do not want to change or have uneasy feelings about it, what meanings have you formed regarding change?
So, is your cancer a result of the meanings you have created, in short Yes! You may be offended by this statement. But by accepting this statement, you will be able to create the necessary changes, that will lead to health. And by the way, why is it that the body, though having the ability to destroy cancer cells, seems to support tumors, by increasing blood supply to them? Why does the body not seem to recognize cancer as a disease? Have we got the wrong idea about cancer? And how much do we really not know about cancer?
If you accept that your cancer is a result of the meanings you have created, then you can take responsibility for your healing: and let’s get real here, your body and it’s healing potential is the only thing that can heal you. Anything else can only assist your self healing system. No matter what we do to a dead body, we cannot make it heal!
Correct information will help you utilize your self healing system and help you remove what is preventing your self healing system from generating good health. By accepting that cancer is a part of your life and that your life pattern is responsible for it, then you can do something about it, if you created it then you can uncreate it! If it offends you to be told you are responsible for your cancer, please for your sake read on.
I own a car, it is my car and if I have a flat battery and the car won’t go, who is responsible to get the car fixed, obviously it is me. If I do not take responsibility for fixing the car, who will fix it? Will you fix it?
Your self healing system is absolutely amazing and can return your body back into excellent health, this is what it is designed to do and it can do it, but if like my car, you don’t accept the cancer and the healing are both your responsibility, then you are preventing the self healing system operating effectively. As well, there are other obstacles preventing the self healing system doing its job, which will be discussed as we proceed on our journey.
Being responsible does not mean blame, please throw any notion of blame in the rubbish bin. There is no place for blame, it is a totally unnecessary and destructive quality. Also we treat cancer as a bad thing, something to be killed off, cut out, something to fight and battle with, something to be overcome. Please understand, and it will be explained later, that cancer cells are your cells, and as all cells in your body, what are they reacting to, what is their purpose, what is communicated to them.
Cancer cells have a purpose and their purpose is to heal a stressful and damaging stimulus. In fact cancer is the result of a healing process, the cancer is the collateral damage. The cancer has prevented you from dying earlier. By understanding what cancer really is, you can heal this initial ‘disease’ and then it will not be necessary to continue with the cancer process. And it is a process, and when your healing system knows this process is not warranted, it will cease the process and expend its energies on healing any damage done.
Important learning points:
- Meanings, beliefs and perceptions are created by each one of us.
- Meanings, beliefs and perceptions are illusions, they appear true but are just concepts.
- Meanings, beliefs and perceptions deny all other possibilities.
- Negative meanings produce negative results & cause stress and toxins.
- Meanings cause effects/results.
- Your experience of life at this moment is the result of all your past, which is formed by the meanings you created.
- Meanings are changeable.
- When change occurs – meanings have changed.
- Meanings are central and causative of your cancer.
- Meanings even if negative have a positive intent.
- Cancer is a healing process, still reacting (healing) to a cause (stressful stimulus, irritant) that is still present.
- Cancer is the label we give to an identification of a generally unknown process (the constant attempt at healing a constant irritant) similar to a grain of sand irritating an oyster. To heal the irritant, the oyster overlays the grain of sand with mucus. It continues this healing process and the collateral damage - the pearl (meaning a valuable jewel to us) is a cancerous growth to the oyster. But without the healing/the cancer, the oyster would have died earlier. The pearl is an irritant to the oyster but far less so than the grain of sand (the original irritant). The pearl’s and cancer’s purpose is to prolong life.
- Correct information is essential to healing.
- Misinformation is a result of meanings.
Posted by Healing Cancer
Monday, 27 February 2012
CANCER is curable NOW"
For years I have been waiting until someone reveals the truth about cancer. Legally killing people with prescribed drugs has to STOP. We have to learn the truth! And what better medium to do that than a movie.
The movie I am talking about is called "CANCER is curable NOW" However it is not cured with medicine or drugs, but with KNOWLEDGE!
As you can see from the title and especially from the subtitle, this movie is not trying to sell you yet another scam, but focuses on educating you how to prevent and heal cancer effectively. With more than 30 international experts there is no doubt this movie has integrity and a solid foundation.
Check out the trailer which shows you more than what I could tell you with a thousand words.
Philip martin
P.S. If you know someone who could benefit from this, don't hesitate and forward this email directly to them. They will be eternally grateful to you.
See the trailer now
For years I have been waiting until someone reveals the truth about cancer. Legally killing people with prescribed drugs has to STOP. We have to learn the truth! And what better medium to do that than a movie.
The movie I am talking about is called "CANCER is curable NOW" However it is not cured with medicine or drugs, but with KNOWLEDGE!
As you can see from the title and especially from the subtitle, this movie is not trying to sell you yet another scam, but focuses on educating you how to prevent and heal cancer effectively. With more than 30 international experts there is no doubt this movie has integrity and a solid foundation.
Check out the trailer which shows you more than what I could tell you with a thousand words.
Philip martin
P.S. If you know someone who could benefit from this, don't hesitate and forward this email directly to them. They will be eternally grateful to you.
See the trailer now
Thursday, 23 February 2012
The Perfect ATTITUDE to Heal Cancer Successfully
Here is an excellent video.
There are in general 3 sorts of patients and only one of them is likely to overcome and heal cancer long term. All doctors agree on, that the attitude of the patient is one of the most critical elements in the healing process.
Learn in this video which group is most likely to heal cancer successfully.
Watch it here
Posted by Emotional Healing
There are in general 3 sorts of patients and only one of them is likely to overcome and heal cancer long term. All doctors agree on, that the attitude of the patient is one of the most critical elements in the healing process.
Learn in this video which group is most likely to heal cancer successfully.
Watch it here
Posted by Emotional Healing
Monday, 20 February 2012
Think of loved ones, friends and acquaintances that suffer from —or have died of—breast cancer. What if you could give each one of them a simple "recipe" that requires only 2 food items ... and if they took small amounts of those 2 inexpensive food items in exactly the right proportions every day ... their breast cancer could be cured?
Go here to get this revolutionary "recipe" that has been scientifically proven to cure not just breast cancer—but all types of cancer.
Go here to get this revolutionary "recipe" that has been scientifically proven to cure not just breast cancer—but all types of cancer.
Recommended Reading
Posted By Healing Cancer
Saturday, 18 February 2012
97% of Terminal Cancer Patients Previously Had This Dental Procedure…
97% of Terminal Cancer Patients Previously Had This Dental Procedure…
While this German physician made this stunning observation over 40 years of treating terminal cancer patients, it sheds light on cancer. You or a loved one may be affected as this dangerous procedure is done 41,000 times a day in the US. The good news is… there’s a fix.
Posted by Healing Cancer
While this German physician made this stunning observation over 40 years of treating terminal cancer patients, it sheds light on cancer. You or a loved one may be affected as this dangerous procedure is done 41,000 times a day in the US. The good news is… there’s a fix.
Posted by Healing Cancer
Tuesday, 14 February 2012
Eight integrative doctors are under attack in Louisiana.
Louisiana State Medical Board Disgraces Itself (Plus an Update on Dr.
Burzynzki in Neighboring Texas)
Eight integrative doctors are under attack in Louisiana. Help them with our
Action Alert.
posted by Healing Cancer
Burzynzki in Neighboring Texas)
Eight integrative doctors are under attack in Louisiana. Help them with our
Action Alert.
posted by Healing Cancer
The Major Cause of Breast Cancer Almost Everyone Ignores
The Major Cause of Breast Cancer Almost Everyone Ignores
It might prolong the life of one out of 2,000 women. But ten healthy women who would not have been diagnosed get treated unnecessarily. The fact it is still recommended speaks volumes about the state of modern medicine...
Read More here
It might prolong the life of one out of 2,000 women. But ten healthy women who would not have been diagnosed get treated unnecessarily. The fact it is still recommended speaks volumes about the state of modern medicine...
Read More here
Recommended Reading
Posted by Healing Cancer
Monday, 13 February 2012
The Need for Acceptance
The Need for Acceptance
“Knowing others is wisdom; knowing the self is enlightenment.”
– Tao Te Ching
Before we are born, whilst we are in the womb, we are part of the womb, part of the mother, all connected, an intermingling of chemicals, energy and whatever else is there. When we are born, a physical connection is severed. And we breathe to obtain oxygen and we suckle at the breast for nutrition. Our senses pick up more sensations and we do not yet have the understanding that we are ourselves, that we are separate. We are very aware of how wonderful we feel. We are very aware of being, but we are unaware that what we see is not us. As a baby we feel that everything in our world is us, we cannot distinguish between out there and in here.
Read more
Posted by Emotional Healing
“Knowing others is wisdom; knowing the self is enlightenment.”
– Tao Te Ching
Before we are born, whilst we are in the womb, we are part of the womb, part of the mother, all connected, an intermingling of chemicals, energy and whatever else is there. When we are born, a physical connection is severed. And we breathe to obtain oxygen and we suckle at the breast for nutrition. Our senses pick up more sensations and we do not yet have the understanding that we are ourselves, that we are separate. We are very aware of how wonderful we feel. We are very aware of being, but we are unaware that what we see is not us. As a baby we feel that everything in our world is us, we cannot distinguish between out there and in here.
Read more
Recommended Reading
Posted by Emotional Healing
Thursday, 9 February 2012
What’s in a placebo pill?
What’s in a placebo pill?
Dear Reader,
“It’s nothing”
That would probably be the response if you asked a clinical researcher what goes into a placebo pill. Most of them would likely stick to the script: “It’s inert. Nothing. A sugar pill.”
That last part gives you a clue to the truth.
Sugar is not inert. Far from it. But more importantly, a placebo should NEVER be thought of as a sugar pill. Far from it.
In fact, placebos are specially designed for every single trial that uses them.
Read the whole article here
Recommended Reading
Life Patterns the Secret to Emotional Freedom
Posted by Healing Cancer
“It’s nothing”
That would probably be the response if you asked a clinical researcher what goes into a placebo pill. Most of them would likely stick to the script: “It’s inert. Nothing. A sugar pill.”
That last part gives you a clue to the truth.
Sugar is not inert. Far from it. But more importantly, a placebo should NEVER be thought of as a sugar pill. Far from it.
In fact, placebos are specially designed for every single trial that uses them.
Read the whole article here
Recommended Reading
Life Patterns the Secret to Emotional Freedom
Posted by Healing Cancer
Wednesday, 8 February 2012
As a meditator for nearly forty years, I personally know the benefits of meditation. I believe it to be one of the greatest tools to having a wonderful and successful life. For those desiring to regain a healthy life, along with dietary changes, meditation is a must. There are many ways to meditate, and there are are centers and classes in most places.
Start as soon as possible. I place meditation on top of the personal development techniques.
‘Holosync’ from Centerpointe Reseach Institute, is a revolutionary way to meditate.
Holosync gives you ALL the benefits of meditation – in a fraction of the time – and without spending years learning how…
More than 1,000,000 people in 193 countries already have.
Philip Martin
Posted by Healing Cancer
Start as soon as possible. I place meditation on top of the personal development techniques.
‘Holosync’ from Centerpointe Reseach Institute, is a revolutionary way to meditate.
Holosync gives you ALL the benefits of meditation – in a fraction of the time – and without spending years learning how…
What if you could meditate like a Zen monk, literally at the touch of a button?
More than 1,000,000 people in 193 countries already have.
Philip Martin
Posted by Healing Cancer
Tuesday, 7 February 2012
Don't Eat it: Linked to Cancer and Gets into Your Blood
From Mercola.com
Don't Eat it: Linked to Cancer and Gets into Your Blood
It's meant to be destroyed by your stomach, but in a recent test it was found in 93% of maternal blood samples. Scary stuff when you consider it's in most of our food and may also play a role in cancer, lung damage and birth defects...
Posted by Healing Cancer
Don't Eat it: Linked to Cancer and Gets into Your Blood
It's meant to be destroyed by your stomach, but in a recent test it was found in 93% of maternal blood samples. Scary stuff when you consider it's in most of our food and may also play a role in cancer, lung damage and birth defects...
Posted by Healing Cancer
Sunday, 5 February 2012
Power of Positive Thoughts to Strengthen Your Immune System
Power of Positive Thoughts to Strengthen Your Immune System
The power of positive thoughts can produce health-enhancing biochemicals superior to any drug that a pharmaceutical company could ever manufacture—without any adverse side effects. Considering you think on average 60,000 thoughts per day, your thoughts have the potential to produce over a million dollars worth of these cancer-fighting chemicals. Keep reading for the full story >>
This is a good read. This power can be significantly increased when you add a powerful reason to be healthy and a powerful purpose for living. The most inportant aspect in healing from a chronic disease such as cancer is the mental aspect. The power of the mind is still vastly not understood or used.
Philip Martin
Recommended Reading
Life Patterns the Secret to Emotional Freedom
Posted by Healing Cancer
The power of positive thoughts can produce health-enhancing biochemicals superior to any drug that a pharmaceutical company could ever manufacture—without any adverse side effects. Considering you think on average 60,000 thoughts per day, your thoughts have the potential to produce over a million dollars worth of these cancer-fighting chemicals. Keep reading for the full story >>
This is a good read. This power can be significantly increased when you add a powerful reason to be healthy and a powerful purpose for living. The most inportant aspect in healing from a chronic disease such as cancer is the mental aspect. The power of the mind is still vastly not understood or used.
Philip Martin
Recommended Reading
Life Patterns the Secret to Emotional Freedom
Posted by Healing Cancer
Salvestrols - a case study
This comment was posted by Jez responding to "Salvestrols- A Natural Anti-Cancer Chemicals Found...":
Salvestrol therapy has been shown to be effective against a variety of human cancers such as breast, prostate, colon and lung cancer. Case studies on these have been published in the Journal of Orthomolecular Medicine which can be found by searching on Salvestrol Case Studies. An example of one of these is given below
Case #1: Lung cancer
A 69-year-old male was diagnosed with inoperable, stage 2-3 squamous-cell carcinoma of the lung. A seven-centimetre tumour was detected. Enlarged lymph nodes were also detected, one of which was approaching three centimetres in diameter.
This patient had seen his doctor due to coughing up blood. No chemotherapy or radiation therapies were recommended. He was given a life expectancy of 8 months and sent home. Since diet and lifestyle may well have contributed to his condition, dietary change was strongly recommended with an emphasis on organic fruit and vegetables.
The patient commenced a diet of fresh, organic fruit, vegetables and juices. Meat, refined sugar and dairy products were eliminated from his diet. He also took 2 Salvestrol Platinum (2000 point) capsules daily. At the end of the first week of Salvestrol supplementation the patient was no longer coughing up blood. Within three weeks, his diagnosis had been changed from inoperable to operable lung cancer requiring removal of one lung. At the end of three weeks a biopsy of the largest lymph node was taken following a PET scan and was found to be negative.
The diagnosis was once again changed to operable lung cancer requiring removal of one lobe of the affected lung. Six weeks after commencement of dietary change and Salvestrol supplementation surgery was performed. Rather than removing one lobe of the lung as planned, the surgeon simply removed the shrunken tumour and a couple of suspicious lymph nodes.
During surgery the tumour was found to be clear of the sternum and chest wall. Postoperative analysis of the lymph nodes proved that they were not cancerous. This patient was deemed cancer free. Subsequent to the surgery he has reduced the amount of salvestrol supplementation to 1 capsule (2000 points) daily as a preventative measure and has maintained a diet rich in organic fruit and vegetables.
Thank you Jez for enlightening post
I hope this inspires some with cancer to research natural methods to be cancer free, this person probably only went down this track beacuse the mainstream could offer nothing, maybe only then did he look for another way.
Philip Martin
Posted by Healing Cancer
Salvestrol therapy has been shown to be effective against a variety of human cancers such as breast, prostate, colon and lung cancer. Case studies on these have been published in the Journal of Orthomolecular Medicine which can be found by searching on Salvestrol Case Studies. An example of one of these is given below
Case #1: Lung cancer
A 69-year-old male was diagnosed with inoperable, stage 2-3 squamous-cell carcinoma of the lung. A seven-centimetre tumour was detected. Enlarged lymph nodes were also detected, one of which was approaching three centimetres in diameter.
This patient had seen his doctor due to coughing up blood. No chemotherapy or radiation therapies were recommended. He was given a life expectancy of 8 months and sent home. Since diet and lifestyle may well have contributed to his condition, dietary change was strongly recommended with an emphasis on organic fruit and vegetables.
The patient commenced a diet of fresh, organic fruit, vegetables and juices. Meat, refined sugar and dairy products were eliminated from his diet. He also took 2 Salvestrol Platinum (2000 point) capsules daily. At the end of the first week of Salvestrol supplementation the patient was no longer coughing up blood. Within three weeks, his diagnosis had been changed from inoperable to operable lung cancer requiring removal of one lung. At the end of three weeks a biopsy of the largest lymph node was taken following a PET scan and was found to be negative.
The diagnosis was once again changed to operable lung cancer requiring removal of one lobe of the affected lung. Six weeks after commencement of dietary change and Salvestrol supplementation surgery was performed. Rather than removing one lobe of the lung as planned, the surgeon simply removed the shrunken tumour and a couple of suspicious lymph nodes.
During surgery the tumour was found to be clear of the sternum and chest wall. Postoperative analysis of the lymph nodes proved that they were not cancerous. This patient was deemed cancer free. Subsequent to the surgery he has reduced the amount of salvestrol supplementation to 1 capsule (2000 points) daily as a preventative measure and has maintained a diet rich in organic fruit and vegetables.
Thank you Jez for enlightening post
I hope this inspires some with cancer to research natural methods to be cancer free, this person probably only went down this track beacuse the mainstream could offer nothing, maybe only then did he look for another way.
Philip Martin
Recommended Reading
The 5 Step Cancer Healing ProcessThursday, 2 February 2012
One of the Best Natural Cancer Fighters…
One of the Best Natural Cancer Fighters…
One of the most powerful cancer fighting compounds known to man is packed into one of nature’s tiniest berries. Amla , also known as Indian gooseberry, is arguably the most important medicinal plant in the Indian traditional system of medicine. Discover how it’s used to detoxify your body… control blood sugar… build muscle… lower cholesterol… and combat cancer…
Recommended Reading
Life Patterns the Secret to Emotional Freedom
posted by Healing Cancer
One of the most powerful cancer fighting compounds known to man is packed into one of nature’s tiniest berries. Amla , also known as Indian gooseberry, is arguably the most important medicinal plant in the Indian traditional system of medicine. Discover how it’s used to detoxify your body… control blood sugar… build muscle… lower cholesterol… and combat cancer…
Recommended Reading
Life Patterns the Secret to Emotional Freedom
posted by Healing Cancer
Breast cancer screening cannot be justified,
Breast cancer screening cannot be justified,
says researcher
Breast cancer screening can no longer be justified, because the harm to many women from needless diagnosis and damaging treatment outweighs the small number of lives saved, according to a book that accuses many in the scientific establishment of misconduct in their efforts to bury the evidence of critics and keep mammography alive. Peter Gøtzsche, director of the independent Nordic Cochrane Collaboration, has spent more than 10 years investigating and analysing data from the trials of breast screening that were run, mostly in Sweden, before countries such as the UK introduced their national programs.
Read Full Article
Recommended Reading
Life Patterns the Secret to Emotional Freedom
Posted by Healing Cancer
says researcher
Breast cancer screening can no longer be justified, because the harm to many women from needless diagnosis and damaging treatment outweighs the small number of lives saved, according to a book that accuses many in the scientific establishment of misconduct in their efforts to bury the evidence of critics and keep mammography alive. Peter Gøtzsche, director of the independent Nordic Cochrane Collaboration, has spent more than 10 years investigating and analysing data from the trials of breast screening that were run, mostly in Sweden, before countries such as the UK introduced their national programs.
Read Full Article
Recommended Reading
Life Patterns the Secret to Emotional Freedom
Posted by Healing Cancer
Breast Cancer and Heart Attacks: A Deadly Side Effect of Calcium Supplements?
Breast Cancer and Heart Attacks: A Deadly Side Effect of Calcium Supplements?
Mainstream medicine touts the importance of calcium for strong, dense bones but fails to warn about all the studies that show how calcium can boost your risk of malignant breast cancer by 300% AND heart attack by 27%. Plus, calcium supplements may not be so helpful for bones after all…
read the whole important story here
Recommended Reading
Life Patterns the Secret to Emotional Freedom
Posted By Healing Cancer
Mainstream medicine touts the importance of calcium for strong, dense bones but fails to warn about all the studies that show how calcium can boost your risk of malignant breast cancer by 300% AND heart attack by 27%. Plus, calcium supplements may not be so helpful for bones after all…
read the whole important story here
Recommended Reading
Life Patterns the Secret to Emotional Freedom
Posted By Healing Cancer
Your Deep Dark Secret
Your Deep Dark Secret
This may be a very uncomfortable read for you and so you may just dismiss it as rubbish and that is okay. It is just information and words and you can do with it, what you want with it. I am unsure of whether to write about this topic but for the small minority that will benefit from it, I will continue.
For those with cancer, what is your deepest, darkest secret? The one you want nobody to know about. The secret that you don’t want anyone to know about and perhaps you are only vaguely aware of this secret.
This secret is not about something you may have done, it is deeper than that. This secret is about how you feel about yourself at your core. The secret that you may have, if you have cancer, is that ‘you are (or may be) nothing’. You may not be aware of the implications of that secret belief and that secret has another aspect, that is attached to the statement of “I am nothing” and it is the sense that there is a part of you, that is so horrible and foul, that if anyone ever glimpsed that part of you, then they would be disgusted in you as well.
You may sense that this part, is lurking deep at the back of your mind and if you visualize this part it will look like a formless, blackish, blob like mess and you fear this part above all else, for you feel that this black formless mess might just be who you really are or where you have come from. You may feel that if you acknowledge this part, then you might disappear into its blackness.
Have you spent your life protecting yourself from this secret? Have you spent your life trying to forget or bury this part?
What effects has this part had on your life? Has it had a central role, that is, has your life been a reaction to this part?
Do you have any sense that there may be a link between this lurking black nothingness (sometimes it is tinged with dark red) and your cancer? If you ‘see’ the cancer how does it appear to you? Not how you imagine, from text or photos but from deep within the cancer itself. This is a strange request but imagine the cancer giving you an impression, a view of itself. What information is there, what is the cancer telling you? Has it got something to say to you?
The cancer cells are you cells and they are a part of you, so information is there, accessing it is the problem. But access the information you can. When you ask the questions, be genuine that you are asking ‘the cancer’ and pay attention to the answer. The answer may come as feelings or in some other form of communication.
What would happen if you accepted the black formless blob and the cancer? Why resist and fight? The black nothingness/blob is only a natural perception we generate when our ego first starts to form, very early in childhood.
We are not born with an ego or identity, it forms from 6mths to 3 years of age and then we constantly update our egos and identity. When our first ego identity begins to form, there is confusion and separation from the mind/body unconsciousness, which is only unconscious to the conscious mind. The ego is the controller of the conscious mind, and simply put, the conscious mind’s purpose is to enable the smooth functioning of relationships (interaction between on ego and other peoples egos) communication and language are its primary tools.
Now about the age of two when the ego is firmly entrenched, it can be hit with a sudden realization; Where was ‘I’ before I was here, I didn’t ask to exist, one moment I wasn’t here and then I was, if ‘I’ didn’t ask to come into existence, what is to stop me from disappearing back into nothingness/non existence.
You see, the ego is a construct, a fabulous construct but a construct none the less. It has no physical form. It exists only as an idea. Before the ego existed the entire human body existed and functioned perfectly, so when the ego realizes this, it asks where was I before I was? The answer can only be a black formless visualization, it is the only image one can come up with.
The ego being new, becomes terrified of falling back into the nothingness and ceasing to exist. So the nothingness, though only a concept, a perception of the newly formed ego, becomes real (to the ego) and something that you have to guard against, to fear and always keep at bay. So this part (though only a concept) is deemed anti survival and as we grow we tend to then see this part as bad or evil or malevolent and as assume it is real and a part of us. If it is a part of us, it had to be there first and hence we feel it is the real us. We came from That!
So life becomes a façade, a mask to show others, to fool others so they don’t see the real Me. How can we have worth or value if we are really this disgusting black mess? Our life is not real, I am not real, imagine the pain involved. And where is all that pain, where do we store it? Where can we put all that pain, all the vulnerability created because ‘I am or might be that spewed up licorice like thing’ and because ‘I am not who you think I am’.
And how does all this help?
Love heals! Though the nothingness is only a concept, it creates effects that match the meaning and image associated with it. You fear it, you are terrified of it and so it feels real and powerful and so you are weak and vulnerable compared to it and yet, it truly is nothing. But because you have treated it as real and feared it for so long, there has been an absence of love, and love is nutrition to the body, mind and soul and so you are malnourished. Love the black thing, be aware of it, acknowledge it, accept it and then give it your love. Allow yourself to merge with it (did the terror just kick in?), if you allow yourself to be one with it, then you will finally experience, that there is nothing there to hurt you, there is nothing to fear, there is no need to fear yourself , there is nothing there to do anything and you will be free, free to be you, free from your suffering.
How would your life have been if you had never questioned your existence?
How will your life be if you no longer fear yourself and no longer hold your secret, how will your body feel? What differences will you experience?
Food for thought or rubbish to toss in the bin?
Recommended Reading
Life Patterns the Secret to Emotional Freedom
Posted by Healing Cancer
This may be a very uncomfortable read for you and so you may just dismiss it as rubbish and that is okay. It is just information and words and you can do with it, what you want with it. I am unsure of whether to write about this topic but for the small minority that will benefit from it, I will continue.
For those with cancer, what is your deepest, darkest secret? The one you want nobody to know about. The secret that you don’t want anyone to know about and perhaps you are only vaguely aware of this secret.
This secret is not about something you may have done, it is deeper than that. This secret is about how you feel about yourself at your core. The secret that you may have, if you have cancer, is that ‘you are (or may be) nothing’. You may not be aware of the implications of that secret belief and that secret has another aspect, that is attached to the statement of “I am nothing” and it is the sense that there is a part of you, that is so horrible and foul, that if anyone ever glimpsed that part of you, then they would be disgusted in you as well.
You may sense that this part, is lurking deep at the back of your mind and if you visualize this part it will look like a formless, blackish, blob like mess and you fear this part above all else, for you feel that this black formless mess might just be who you really are or where you have come from. You may feel that if you acknowledge this part, then you might disappear into its blackness.
Have you spent your life protecting yourself from this secret? Have you spent your life trying to forget or bury this part?
What effects has this part had on your life? Has it had a central role, that is, has your life been a reaction to this part?
Do you have any sense that there may be a link between this lurking black nothingness (sometimes it is tinged with dark red) and your cancer? If you ‘see’ the cancer how does it appear to you? Not how you imagine, from text or photos but from deep within the cancer itself. This is a strange request but imagine the cancer giving you an impression, a view of itself. What information is there, what is the cancer telling you? Has it got something to say to you?
The cancer cells are you cells and they are a part of you, so information is there, accessing it is the problem. But access the information you can. When you ask the questions, be genuine that you are asking ‘the cancer’ and pay attention to the answer. The answer may come as feelings or in some other form of communication.
What would happen if you accepted the black formless blob and the cancer? Why resist and fight? The black nothingness/blob is only a natural perception we generate when our ego first starts to form, very early in childhood.
We are not born with an ego or identity, it forms from 6mths to 3 years of age and then we constantly update our egos and identity. When our first ego identity begins to form, there is confusion and separation from the mind/body unconsciousness, which is only unconscious to the conscious mind. The ego is the controller of the conscious mind, and simply put, the conscious mind’s purpose is to enable the smooth functioning of relationships (interaction between on ego and other peoples egos) communication and language are its primary tools.
Now about the age of two when the ego is firmly entrenched, it can be hit with a sudden realization; Where was ‘I’ before I was here, I didn’t ask to exist, one moment I wasn’t here and then I was, if ‘I’ didn’t ask to come into existence, what is to stop me from disappearing back into nothingness/non existence.
You see, the ego is a construct, a fabulous construct but a construct none the less. It has no physical form. It exists only as an idea. Before the ego existed the entire human body existed and functioned perfectly, so when the ego realizes this, it asks where was I before I was? The answer can only be a black formless visualization, it is the only image one can come up with.
The ego being new, becomes terrified of falling back into the nothingness and ceasing to exist. So the nothingness, though only a concept, a perception of the newly formed ego, becomes real (to the ego) and something that you have to guard against, to fear and always keep at bay. So this part (though only a concept) is deemed anti survival and as we grow we tend to then see this part as bad or evil or malevolent and as assume it is real and a part of us. If it is a part of us, it had to be there first and hence we feel it is the real us. We came from That!
So life becomes a façade, a mask to show others, to fool others so they don’t see the real Me. How can we have worth or value if we are really this disgusting black mess? Our life is not real, I am not real, imagine the pain involved. And where is all that pain, where do we store it? Where can we put all that pain, all the vulnerability created because ‘I am or might be that spewed up licorice like thing’ and because ‘I am not who you think I am’.
And how does all this help?
Love heals! Though the nothingness is only a concept, it creates effects that match the meaning and image associated with it. You fear it, you are terrified of it and so it feels real and powerful and so you are weak and vulnerable compared to it and yet, it truly is nothing. But because you have treated it as real and feared it for so long, there has been an absence of love, and love is nutrition to the body, mind and soul and so you are malnourished. Love the black thing, be aware of it, acknowledge it, accept it and then give it your love. Allow yourself to merge with it (did the terror just kick in?), if you allow yourself to be one with it, then you will finally experience, that there is nothing there to hurt you, there is nothing to fear, there is no need to fear yourself , there is nothing there to do anything and you will be free, free to be you, free from your suffering.
How would your life have been if you had never questioned your existence?
How will your life be if you no longer fear yourself and no longer hold your secret, how will your body feel? What differences will you experience?
Food for thought or rubbish to toss in the bin?
Recommended Reading
Life Patterns the Secret to Emotional Freedom
Posted by Healing Cancer
Wednesday, 1 February 2012
Banned in Germany, But You're Probably Still Eating It
Banned in Germany, But You're Probably Still Eating It
Despite being banned in Germany, Hungary and Ireland and the fact all their wonder claims have failed to materialize, the world's most evil company continues to spread its poisonous tentacles. Whatever you do, avoid anything containing these 2 ingredients...
Read the whole story here
Posted by Healing Cancer
Despite being banned in Germany, Hungary and Ireland and the fact all their wonder claims have failed to materialize, the world's most evil company continues to spread its poisonous tentacles. Whatever you do, avoid anything containing these 2 ingredients...
Read the whole story here
Recommended Reading
Life Patterns the Secret to Emotional FreedomPosted by Healing Cancer
Tuesday, 31 January 2012
Why is “Hot Chemo” an Acceptable Cancer Treatment—But IV Vitamin C is “Too Far Out There”?
Why is “Hot Chemo” an Acceptable Cancer Treatment—But IV Vitamin C is “Too Far Out There”?
January 31, 2012Patients liken hot chemotherapy to “being filleted, disemboweled, and then bathed in hot poison.” Best patient care, or merely the biggest moneymaker?
According to the New York Times, hot chemotherapy, which couples extensive abdominal surgery with blasts of heated chemotherapy to the abdominal cavity and its organs, was once a niche procedure used mainly against rare cancers of the appendix. Most academic medical centers shunned it. Now it’s being offered to patients to treat more common colorectal or ovarian cancers.
Dr. David P. Ryan, clinical director of the Massachusetts General Hospital Cancer Center, says there is little evidence that it really works and “has almost no basis in science.” The treatment is extremely costly, and is something of a desperation move by leading medical centers because the competition for patients and treatments is so intense.
So why is this dangerous, scientifically unsound, and outrageously expensive procedure considered a viable treatment option for cancer patients, when intravenous vitamin C—safe, effective, and far less expensive—is questioned as an adjunct therapy? Why is this common vitamin, administered in high doses intravenously, labeled an unapproved drug by a hostile FDA?
Read the whole article here
Recommended Reading
Life Patterns the Secret to Emotional FreedomMonday, 30 January 2012
Healing Codes
"So, there I was hurling through the air at 600 miles per hour - 33,000 feet above the earth - when suddenly.
WHAM!!! It hit me!!!"
I was struck, by a complete, unimaginable, crystal-clear line of thought!
From the desk of Dr. Alex Loyd, N.D., M.S.
The following is a true story.
Like most folks, when I'm riding in an airplane, I usually read, listen to music, maybe just doze off. But, not this time. This time, something very special happened to me, that changed my life forever, and that's exactly what it can do for you.
You see for 12 very long, and hard, years, my dear wife, Tracey, had been suffering from a severe clinical depression. We went to every specialist, and tried every known remedy, but nothing lasted.
We also tried some promising new drugs, but the side effects, were so horrible that we could not continue. I even went back to graduate school, in hopes of finding or creating a new solution for clinical depression. But, once again, the results for my wife were only temporary.
However, on this particular plane ride home, all that was about to change. And, what happened next, can only be described as the answer to my prayers. Because, all at once, there it was - the actual blueprint for the solution for my wife's clinical depression. And I believe to anyone's clinical depression.
After all the searching, struggling, studying, hoping and praying, at last I had the solution. I rushed home from the airport, and immediately began applying, this new technique together with my wife. Within 45 minutes, she was a new person. With a little more work over the next three weeks, she shed her depression and now, should you meet her, you would never be able to imagine this bubbling woman was ever depressed.
My wife was free, of the devastating effects of the clinical depression that had plagued her for 12 long years. I then began using this "blueprint" with the clients I had in my private practice. And, I would soon discover, that this blueprint could be used, to create a pathway for the body to "heal itself from any illness".
It was the very code, by which the body actually heals, all on it's own.
It was the very code, by which the body actually heals, all on it's own.
It was in fact, the "Healing Codes" itself!
And, Now, you can discover how to:
o Super Charge your immune system.
o Help your body heal itself.
o Turn on your natural healing systems to heal your pain, stress, fear, depression and disease.
o Turn your body's cells from Protect Mode to Growth Mode. In growth mode, your body's cells can protect you from or heal almost anything.
"Dr. Alex Loyd has the defining healing technology in the world today - It (the Healing Codes) will revolutionize health. It is the easiest way to get well, and stay well, fast. Dr. Loyd may very well be the Albert Schweitzer of our time." - Mark Victor Hansen - Co-author "Chicken Soup for the Soul" book series. |
Stress is nothing new, but this is.
Recommended Reading
Posted by Healing Cancer
Sunday, 29 January 2012
The worthless way to prevent cancer
Another very important piece from mercola.com
The Worthless Way to Prevent Cancer
Pick something responsible for less than ONE percent of all cancer deaths. Then put millions of lives at risk with a limp-wristed solution that causes heart problems, seizures, Bell's Palsy and sudden death. Do not be fooled by these recommendations...
Read the Whole story here
The Worthless Way to Prevent Cancer
Pick something responsible for less than ONE percent of all cancer deaths. Then put millions of lives at risk with a limp-wristed solution that causes heart problems, seizures, Bell's Palsy and sudden death. Do not be fooled by these recommendations...
Read the Whole story here
Recommended Reading
Philip Martin
posted by Healing Cancer
Saturday, 28 January 2012
Research From 100 Countries Proves This Strongly Protects Against Cancer
Another excellent article from mercola.com
Research From 100 Countries Proves This Strongly Protects Against Cancer
If you're interested in preventing at least 15, and probably closer to 24, different types of cancer, you're going to want to make sure you're doing this...
Read the whole article here
Recommended Reading
Life Patterns the Secret to Emotional Freedom
Philip Martin
Posted by How to be Happy
If you're interested in preventing at least 15, and probably closer to 24, different types of cancer, you're going to want to make sure you're doing this...
Read the whole article here
Recommended Reading
Life Patterns the Secret to Emotional Freedom
Philip Martin
Posted by How to be Happy
Friday, 27 January 2012
Can Baking Soda Cure Cancer?
By David IckeThe figures are fantastic. Some eight million people die every year from cancer worldwide, more than half a million in the United States alone. The global number is predicted to rise to twelve million by 2030. Cancer is the biggest cause of death for people under 85 and in the US one in four people die from cancer – one in four.
We have our freedoms removed by the day to ‘protect the public from terrorism’ when all these people are suffering and dying every year from a disease that the bloodline families and their pharmaceutical cartel systematically refuse to cure.
Read the Whole Story Here
Recommended Reading
Philip Martin
Posted by Healing Cancer
Thursday, 26 January 2012
Simple Activity to Radically Decrease Breast Cancer Risk
By Dr. Mercola
Breast cancer is a growing epidemic among women, with just under 12 percent of women developing an invasive form of the disease during their lifetimes.
This works out to about one in eight U.S. women!
Research suggests, however, that one of the most powerful ways to lower this risk substantially is through the simple act of exercise.
New research is underway to determine just how much exercise -- either 150 minutes or 300 minutes a week -- is best for cancer prevention, but it's safe to say that starting an exercise regimen, if you're not already participating in one, is a very wise strategy to optimize your health.
Exercise May Reduce Your Breast Cancer Risk by Up to 40 Percent
The notion that exercise may help prevent cancer dates back to 1922, when two independent studies observed that cancer deaths declined among men working occupations that required higher amounts of physical activity.
It wasn't until the 1980s that the topic received due attention once again, and since then a paper in the journal Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise reported that "more than a hundred epidemiologic studies on the role of physical activity and cancer prevention have been published."
In the same paper, which reviewed published epidemiologic studies on physical activity and the risk of developing cancer, it's noted that:
"The data are clear in showing that physically active men and women have about a 30-40% reduction in the risk of developing colon cancer, compared with inactive persons … With regard to breast cancer, there is reasonably clear evidence that physically active women have about a 20-30% reduction in risk, compared with inactive women. It also appears that 30-60 min·d-1 of moderate- to vigorous-intensity physical activity is needed to decrease the risk of breast cancer, and that there is likely a dose-response relation."
Read the Whole article here
Recommended ReadingLife Patterns the Secret to Emotional Freedom
Posted by How to be happy with yourself
Wednesday, 25 January 2012
The Power of Attitude
Wow, you have to see this video...
Just received it in an email and passing it on for you to watch
It will guide you into a super-positive attitude, reduce your stress, and help you re-connect to your passion for life! Are you ready for this? ...
* Watch It Here -->
It's called "The Power Of Attitude" Enjoy!
posted by Healing Cancer
Just received it in an email and passing it on for you to watch
It will guide you into a super-positive attitude, reduce your stress, and help you re-connect to your passion for life! Are you ready for this? ...
* Watch It Here -->
It's called "The Power Of Attitude" Enjoy!
posted by Healing Cancer
Did You know...
From The Underground Health Reporter
Did You Know…
… that some cancer drugs and conventional cancer treatments can make tumors more aggressive and deadly—and even triple the metastasis of cancerous tumors?
An alarming new study in the January 17 issue of Cancer Cell journal reports that some tumor treatments are actually sabotaging the body’s defense against cancer. The problem is that some cancer drugs destroy important “gatekeeper” cells called pericytes.
Unfortunately, little is known about pericyte cells, except that they may halt cancer progression and metastasis. This at first seems ironic given that pericyte cells cover blood vessels and actually support tumor growth. They are destroyed by drug therapies that interfere with the tumor’s blood supply (known as antiangiogenic therapies).
It appears from this recent study, however, that destroying pericytes can be a deadly mistake. Dr. Raghu Kalluri, MD Ph.D and Professor of Medicine at Harvard Medical School, led the study published in Cancer Cell, showing that antiangiogenic therapies can make cancers more likely to spread and kill.
Side Effects Include … More Deadly Cancer!
Kalluri and his team studied genetically engineered mice, and found that removing pericytes caused a 30% decrease in tumor size compared to the control mice over the course of 25 days. But the shrunken tumors came with seriously adverse side effects: secondary lung tumors!
Researchers say this indicates that removing pericytes allowed the original tumors to metastasize, or aggressively spread.
“If you just looked at tumor growth, the results were good,” Dr. Kalluri told the press. “But when you looked at the whole picture…the cancer was, in fact, spreading.” He believes that without the structural support provided by pericyte cells, tumors become even more “weak and leaky.”
Cancerous cells from inside the tumor are more able to travel through weakened walls to new locations in the body. These mobile cells behave more like stem cells, increasing their chances of survival and growth.
Cures Worse Than Cancer Itself
For the next phase of the experiment, Kalluri and his team used real cancer drugs known for decreasing pericytes (such as Imatinib, Sunitinib and others), instead of relying on genetic programming.
This time, metastasis of tumors tripled!
To ensure their findings were applicable to human cancer patients, the team analyzed 130 samples of breast tumors of varying stages and sizes, and compared pericyte levels and patient prognoses (outlook for recovery and survival).
Samples with the lowers levels of pericytes were associated “with the most deeply invasive cancers, distant metastasis, and 5 to 10 year survival rates of less than 20%.”
Do the Short-Term Effects of Conventional Cancer Treatments Justify the Long-Term Dangers?
This study is not the first to show that chemotherapy, radiation, and other mainstream cancer treatments are deeply flawed.
Scientists from the University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB) Comprehensive Cancer Center and UAB Department of Chemistry are also investigating whether the short-term impact of chemotherapy (shrinking or even killing tumors) justifies the long-term trade off—causing malignancies to metastasize and grow more deadly.
These new studies highlight just one of the many detrimental effects of these therapies—albeit a very serious one. However, many natural and alternative health experts have long been aware of the damage these drugs do to the body. Sadly, their warnings have gone largely unheeded by mainstream medicine.
The good news is that no matter what you’ve been led to believe … cancer is curable—even without the use of cancer drugs, chemotherapy, surgery, or radiation. The reason most of us think cancer is incurable is because mainstream medicine has deliberately kept us in the dark about natural cures … for obvious reasons.
The fact is, there’s not just one, but innumerable alternative healing modalities that are proven to wipe out cancer for good. For “the best of the best” of these cancer cures, go to www.Top10CancerCures.com.
Did You Know…
… that some cancer drugs and conventional cancer treatments can make tumors more aggressive and deadly—and even triple the metastasis of cancerous tumors?
An alarming new study in the January 17 issue of Cancer Cell journal reports that some tumor treatments are actually sabotaging the body’s defense against cancer. The problem is that some cancer drugs destroy important “gatekeeper” cells called pericytes.
Unfortunately, little is known about pericyte cells, except that they may halt cancer progression and metastasis. This at first seems ironic given that pericyte cells cover blood vessels and actually support tumor growth. They are destroyed by drug therapies that interfere with the tumor’s blood supply (known as antiangiogenic therapies).
It appears from this recent study, however, that destroying pericytes can be a deadly mistake. Dr. Raghu Kalluri, MD Ph.D and Professor of Medicine at Harvard Medical School, led the study published in Cancer Cell, showing that antiangiogenic therapies can make cancers more likely to spread and kill.
Side Effects Include … More Deadly Cancer!
Kalluri and his team studied genetically engineered mice, and found that removing pericytes caused a 30% decrease in tumor size compared to the control mice over the course of 25 days. But the shrunken tumors came with seriously adverse side effects: secondary lung tumors!
Researchers say this indicates that removing pericytes allowed the original tumors to metastasize, or aggressively spread.
“If you just looked at tumor growth, the results were good,” Dr. Kalluri told the press. “But when you looked at the whole picture…the cancer was, in fact, spreading.” He believes that without the structural support provided by pericyte cells, tumors become even more “weak and leaky.”
Cancerous cells from inside the tumor are more able to travel through weakened walls to new locations in the body. These mobile cells behave more like stem cells, increasing their chances of survival and growth.
Cures Worse Than Cancer Itself
For the next phase of the experiment, Kalluri and his team used real cancer drugs known for decreasing pericytes (such as Imatinib, Sunitinib and others), instead of relying on genetic programming.
This time, metastasis of tumors tripled!
To ensure their findings were applicable to human cancer patients, the team analyzed 130 samples of breast tumors of varying stages and sizes, and compared pericyte levels and patient prognoses (outlook for recovery and survival).
Samples with the lowers levels of pericytes were associated “with the most deeply invasive cancers, distant metastasis, and 5 to 10 year survival rates of less than 20%.”
Do the Short-Term Effects of Conventional Cancer Treatments Justify the Long-Term Dangers?
This study is not the first to show that chemotherapy, radiation, and other mainstream cancer treatments are deeply flawed.
Scientists from the University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB) Comprehensive Cancer Center and UAB Department of Chemistry are also investigating whether the short-term impact of chemotherapy (shrinking or even killing tumors) justifies the long-term trade off—causing malignancies to metastasize and grow more deadly.
These new studies highlight just one of the many detrimental effects of these therapies—albeit a very serious one. However, many natural and alternative health experts have long been aware of the damage these drugs do to the body. Sadly, their warnings have gone largely unheeded by mainstream medicine.
The good news is that no matter what you’ve been led to believe … cancer is curable—even without the use of cancer drugs, chemotherapy, surgery, or radiation. The reason most of us think cancer is incurable is because mainstream medicine has deliberately kept us in the dark about natural cures … for obvious reasons.
The fact is, there’s not just one, but innumerable alternative healing modalities that are proven to wipe out cancer for good. For “the best of the best” of these cancer cures, go to www.Top10CancerCures.com.
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Posted by Healing Cancer
Tuesday, 24 January 2012
Trust in Healing cancer
By Philip Martin
Trusting in yourself, is a very major component in the ability to have a wonderful, healthy and happy life, though this quality really slips under the radar. In healing cancer, the ability to trust yourself is part of the healing process. It is not just a tool that assists the healing process but self trust is an intrinsic aspect of the healing process itself. When working one on one with a client, whether the client has chronic disease, emotional issues or wants an improvement in an area of their life, what is required at a deep level is that the person needs to access their latent qualities of trust (in oneself), self control, self reliance and love.
Though it is easy to access and have them develop these qualities to their full or required potential, the importance of these qualities is greatly misunderstood.
We will just look at trust today and like all words, they are labels and you will have your own unique perception of what the word means to you and you will have a history or story concerning the particular word.
I wonder what your story is regarding trust. If you really think and reflect on the word trust and feel what trust means to you, then you will discover something of importance for yourself.
Do you trust yourself fully? Be willing to explore this question, you may find it painful to explore too deeply but it is a very important question to ask and more importantly to know the answer. Lack of trust in oneself is the result of not knowing oneself and therefore fearing parts of oneself. Almost everyone fears parts of themself and this is unfortunate as it is totally unnecessary and damaging.
Trust in yourself can develop very quickly with the help of a skilled therapist or you can nurture and develop it by being more aware of yourself, especially those parts of yourself that you don’t want to know! What’s that? You really don’t want to know some parts of yourself, for you spent your whole life trying to get rid of them or to forget them. How much of yourself have you divorced yourself from?
Each part that is divorced from you, suffers. Each one of those parts is in agony, feels rejected and is wounded. You may think those parts are bad, evil, unworthy etc but trust me, they are not. There is no part of You that is bad, wrong or faulty. There may be bad behavior, you are responsible for your behavior, BUT you are not your behavior. I do not have the space here to go into how and why behavior occurs. My book ‘Life Patterns – The Secret to emotional Freedom’ goes into detail on human behavior.
How do feel when you are rejected and not wanted? Yet, when you reject parts of yourself, where are all those painful feelings, all those feelings of hurt? They are in you somewhere for they belong to you, they are yours!
Please, do something nice for yourself, find a part that you don’t like, not one that is too deep and buried but a shallow one and just acknowledge this part of yourself. Have the intention to know that part and be aware of that part. Then accept that, that part is there. Do not criticize or judge the part, just realize that a part of You is there and is hurting. Realize that, that part needs love. Now, Love that part, for it is a part of you! Tell that part that you are sorry, sense the identity of that part, it will be a younger you, imagine this younger you and ask if it is willing to be loved by you.
Give this part a hug and a cuddle and enjoy.
When this occurs, this part is healed and a small part of the cancer is healed for this little wounded self is no longer producing the feelings of hurt and rejection and the corresponding stress, trauma and chemicals associated with them.
As this part is no longer rejected, you incidentally have more self trust and more of you is in harmony and connected rather than fragmented. The more you heal these little parts of yourself the more trust you have in yourself.
Trust in yourself has a great influence on your quality of health, life and happiness, as trust in yourself has the unconscious meaning that you are worthy of (quality)living.
Trust that you can heal cancer, trust that you can heal your life, trust that you can, trust you are you.
‘And those who were seen dancing were thought to be insane by those who could not hear the music.’
-- Friedrich Nietzsche
posted by cancer cure
Monday, 23 January 2012
Cut Your Cancer Risk in Half!
Cut Your Cancer Risk in Half!
State-of-the-Science Research Report Uncovers a Long-Forgotten Nutrient that Not Only Halts Cancer's Progress—
but Banishes it from Your Body Forever
Newly revealed studies prove that a specific nutrient can prevent, halt, and reverse cancer's deadly path. Armed with the right form and dosage of this nutrient, you could protect yourself against a dreaded disease that currently affects millions worldwide each year. State-of-the-Science Research Report Uncovers a Long-Forgotten Nutrient that Not Only Halts Cancer's Progress—
but Banishes it from Your Body Forever
The groundbreaking research report that reveals this powerful nutrient comes as exciting news in the face of increasingly dismal cancer statistics. The 2008 World Cancer Report from the World Health Organization listed the following estimates on the global prevalence of cancer:
- 12 million new patients diagnosed with cancer
- 7 million cancer-related deaths
- 25 million patients living with cancer
The older you get, the higher your risk—which is why cancer's ominous shadow can be so frightening, especially when we've all seen the harrowing side effects of aggressive conventional treatments.
But fear is not the answer. Fear does no good and can even do great harm to your physical health. The real answer comes from the power of knowing how to protect yourself from cancer, and how to treat it effectively if you or someone you love is affected.
Wherever This Nutrient is Plentiful, Cancer is Non-Existent
There exist outstanding, effective options that go beyond mainstream medicine and Big Pharma's trifecta of dangerous and ineffective treatments: surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation. Many alternative treatments are proven to fight and win against cancer—such as the single recently discovered nutrient validated by scientific studies to be capable of:
- Reducing tumor-related pain in 65% of cancer patients
More than doubling survival time in patients with inoperable lung cancer
Teaming up with vitamin A to destroy 89% of cancer tumors
This nutrient used to be far more abundant in the American diet... but when it gradually disappeared from our food, cancer rates have spiked. In comparison, cultures that still consume the nutrient plentifully rarely see cancer at all.
And you don't need to travel the world to find this cancer fighter. Chances are, it's already in your grocery store produce section.
Whether you're a cancer survivor or cancer fighter—or you just want to protect yourself today, you can't afford to ignore the nutrient that's been found to specifically kill cancer cells—without the painful and often permanent harmful effects of conventional treatments.
Cures that Work... Ignored by Big Medicine
Many overlooked treatments and cures from various parts of the world, which have yielded outstanding results, are routinely ignored by Big Medicine, including the following:
- A powerful cancer therapy based on vitamins, minerals, and enzymes. This treatment boosts the immune system so it can flush toxins produced by tumors. It has even piqued the interest of the National Cancer Institute and the attention of clinical trials for its positive results on cancer patients—and it has no side effects.
- An essential vitamin that inhibits the growth of breast and prostate cancer cells. Taking 2-4 times the daily recommended dose—along with a specific mineral that enhances its effectiveness—reduces the expected rate of cancer by 55-77% in post-menopausal women over a 4-year period. Another study found that keeping your serum levels of this essential vitamin just above a specific minimum level could cut cancer risk by 30-50%.
- An easy, no-cost self-administered treatment that takes only 30 minutes a day and was proven in a 20-year Finnish study to reduce risk of death from cancer by at least 50%.
- A compound found in a common spice that helps regulate the functioning of tumor-suppressing genes. One study found that this compound can halt cancer cell invasion and metastasis in the lung by activating a tumor-suppressor.
To get access to a state-of-the-art research report which uncovers secrets that not only halt cancer's progress—but banishes it from your body forever, click here. This groundbreaking report is yours for F*R*E*E. Inside the report, you'll also discover:
6 simple changes you can make to your diet to strengthen your immune system and help keep you cancer-free. Why one of the conventional "preventative" measures against cancer is dead wrong—and why you should do exactly the opposite to avoid cancer. The 12 most polluted fruits and vegetables in your grocery store that may be flooding your body with cancer-causing pesticides. |
Send for this f*r*e*e cutting-edge report, packed with countless advances and revelations—targeted, safe, natural solutions for preventing, halting and reversing cancer.
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