Sunday, 30 October 2011

Cancer is not a Disease - It's a Survival Mechanism (Book Excerpt)

NaturalNews) What you are about to read may rock or even dismantle the very foundation of your beliefs about your body, health and healing. The title, Cancer Is Not a Disease, may be unsettling for many, provocative to some, but encouraging for all. This book will serve as a life-altering revelation for those who are sufficiently open-minded to consider the possibility that cancer is not an actual disease. Instead, they will begin to view cancer to be a profoundly elaborate and final attempt by the body to heal itself and stay alive for as long as circumstances permit; circumstances that, as you will discover, are most likely in your control.

It will perhaps astound you to learn that if you are afflicted with any of the root causes of cancer (which constitute the real illness) you would most likely die quickly unless your body actually grew cancer cells. In this work, I propose the understanding that cancer is a healing process that we ought to support, not suppress or fight. I provide evidence that this rather unorthodox approach to healing cancer is far more effective than the methods that involve destroying it.

I further claim that cancer - the body's final healing mechanism - will only kick in after the body's main waste removal and detoxification mechanisms have already been rendered inefficient.

In extreme circumstances, exposure to large amounts of cancer-producing agents (carcinogens) can bring about a collapse of the body's defenses within several weeks or months, which may subsequently require a rapid and aggressive growth of a cancerous tumor to deal with it. By and large, though, it takes many years, or even decades, for so-called 'malignant' tumors to form and become diagnostically noticeable.

Unfortunately, basic misconceptions or complete lack of awareness about the true reasons behind malignant tumor growth have turned misaligned cells into vicious monsters that indiscriminately attempt to kill us, perhaps in retaliation for our sins or abusing the body. However, as you are about to find out, cancer is on our side, not against us. Unless we change our perception of what cancer really is, it will most likely resist treatment, particularly the most advanced and commonly applied methods. If you have cancer, and cancer is indeed part of the body's complex survival responses and not a disease, as I claim it is, you must find answers to the following important questions:

Read the whole article here

Posted by How to heal cancer

Wonderful Miracle for Cancer Patients

Wonderful Miracle for Cancer Patients

Did you know... that cancerous cells can actually revert to a healthy state within 24 hours when treated with a special combination consisting of DMSO and colloidal silver?

This formidable duo, targets cancer cells like a guided missile by killing dangerous microbes and supercharging your immune system.
Discover how this protocol was designed specifically to transform cancerous cells into healthy cells.

Posted by How to heal cancer

Saturday, 29 October 2011

Making That big decision

I have talked often about the all important decision in the healing process. Making the decision enables the switching of patterns and this is essential to healing. One metaphor that you can imagine that comes to mind is to picture yourself in a tall apartment building. Now imagine that your apartment building is engulfed in fire and you live on one of the upper floors. To your dismay you awake to the sounds of fire engines, the crackling sounds of the fire and you begin to smell the smoke, in panic you rush to your front door and you feel the heat radiating through the door. Fearfully you open the door and you are forced to quickly shut it as flames lick your body. You now know that there is no way out through that door, that leaves only the window, hopefully the fire brigade can send a ladder up to your window. You reach the window and open it and begin shouting to the distant crowd below. You see them point up to you and you feel a momentary sense of relief. Soon the firemen clear the crowd and rig a landing net.

Your front door succumbs to the fire and you apartment is on fire, your furniture is burning and the heat is unbelievable, you only have only a couple of minutes at most. You look at the net, so far down and they beckon you to jump. There is no ladder coming. You climb on to the window ledge, you feel that you can’t possible jump from here, are they kidding? What to do? The heat is unbearable. You know you have only one option, one chance, if you want to live. But the fear is overwhelming, you sense that you are incapable of making the decision to jump. It goes quite, you see the people below, but it seems as if they have all become quiet, you turn and look at the flames and you can’t hear the noise you know it must be making. Time stands still, all is quiet, you are filled with serenity, this could be your last moment and somehow it is beautiful and peaceful. Your hands automatically leave the window sill and you lean forward.

You’re free falling and you know you have left your apartment, your home, all your belongings and all that you have and in this moment you know that you are alive and being alive has never felt so precious, so powerful, so important and so magnificent.

You land in the net, you’re safe, you survived, you made it. You hear the crowd cheer and reach out for you. You feel relief and joy. And it dawns on you that you let go.

Philip Martin

Meaning the cause and cure of cancer

Before we create a meaning, there just is what is.

 Why is it necessary to know how the mind creates meaning? If you have cancer then I put it to you, that the cancer is a result of a pattern of meanings. What do I mean by this? Meaning is information that our mind has placed on an event, and this meaning is causative, that is, meaning produces reactions and those reactions have an effect. And all meanings are produced by the conscious mind.

 For every event in your life you will attach a meaning, for example if you watched your neighbor, place a wooden stake in the ground in his front yard, can you just accept that he simply put that stake in the ground and leave it at that? Or are you compelled to know why he put that stake in the ground? Your mind wants to place a sentence in your memory with what you physically saw. It wants to attach the sentence ‘he put the stake in the ground because .....’ It could be that he is going to put a letter box on top or he may attach a ‘for sale’ sign on it or if you see no obvious use for the stake, you may say because he is crazy. The meaning that you attach to the event, will depend on how you perceive the event. Any realistic meaning will do as long as there is a meaning attached, for the conscious mind cannot understand the incoming neutral information from the senses.

This incoming neutral information is conducted via electrical signals to the unconscious mind and the conscious mind communicates with language whereas the unconscious communicates with electrical and chemical signals and the subconscious communicates with feelings. So for the conscious mind to interpret the scene, it has to create a sentence, to describe and translate the information and the conscious mind is compelled to attach a meaning for this is its purpose. The conscious mind’s job/purpose is to attach meaning to reality. To see and experience what is and ask what does this mean and of course to supply the answer. So the conscious mind creates a reality (meanings) to overlay the existing reality. This reality though is our unique reality, for we can only answer what does this mean to me. This is why the ancient eastern mystics say that reality is an illusion.

Once a meaning is attached, you now have a memory and it is now a fixed stable object that now resides in the brain. The memory is composed of two parts, one, the visualization of the physical event (the actual physical event happened outside of you and ceased to exist the moment after it occurred) and the meaning that you created, to attach to the visual copy of the event. You then attach a value to the memory, that is, how important is the memory in terms of your ongoing survival. In the case of the neighbor, there is little value or emotional impact, so the memory will unlikely produce any lasting reaction or effects.

Now if the neighbor took out a gun and started shooting at the stake, then you will place a meaning on the new event of him shooting at the stake. This meaning will likely have more value and an emotional impact. You may attach the meaning of he is a dangerous lunatic. This memory, in particular the meaning, will create reactions within you, because you have deemed that the neighbor may be dangerous to your existence. Now you will take actions to assist your existence. You may call the police, you may become more security conscious, you may move house. The memory because it will have a higher value on it, will remain in recall and you may form beliefs and patterns from the memory and a chain of events will ensure.

 The actions and effects that have come about, have come about because of the meaning placed on the event. It is easy to assume that we are reacting to the event but the event is neutral, as are all events. We react to the meaning that we have created, from our perception of the event. This may be useful or not. But we have to be clear here, it is the meaning that we attach to an event that causes an effect (for us). The event itself has no meaning, it is only meaningful to our perceptions. We fall into the assumption that the event caused an effect or reaction. This is because we see the event and the attached meaning as one thing and because the event actually happened, that is, it is a fact, then we believe the memory is a fact. But it is not, it is compilation of fact and perception.

 To heal cancer or any chronic condition, it is imperative to understand the distinction between an event and the meaning attached to that event. The meaning is an illusion, it may be beneficial or not, it may have merit or not, but it cannot be the truth, it cannot be a fact. The best it can be is beneficial. The meaning is true in the eyes of its creator but is only part of the truth. If a number of people witnessed the same event, then it is likely they will all have formed a different meaning. They will form their own unique meaning based on their life history and therefore their unique perception. This unique perception is made up mainly of a pattern of older meanings and these older meanings are illusions too. So we have illusions creating further illusions.

 As these other people have different meanings to the exact same event and all their meanings are true for the individual, how then can one meaning be true? For if it is true, then all the other meanings will have to be wrong. To each event there is an infinite number of meanings and perceptions. Each one can only be a part, a fraction of the truth. To accept one meaning is to deny all the other possible meanings. So in effect, meaning is a denier of the truth. This does not necessarily cause a problem if the meaning is beneficial to us. Though we are fooling ourselves if we believe the meanings are true, rather than what they are. And what they are, are concepts, constructs and perceptions and these dictate how we will perceive future events and what meanings we will place on them.

 Back to the title of this chapter – How does the mind create meaning? The mind forms a meaning to every single event that we experience. The event is a stimulus to our senses and these are electrical impulses that proceed to the brain. To encode these stimuli and therefore have the information available to the conscious mind, the stimuli have to be translated into the language of the conscious mind which, in my case is English. The conscious mind’s language is our spoken language; whereas the unconscious language is electrical and chemical. To translate the stimuli received by our senses, they are encoded first into sight, sound, touch, smell and taste so that we form a picture. The conscious mind then ‘sees’ the event, this seeing the event is a subconscious (or middle layer process) process and to the conscious mind it is bland and neutral, it is what it is. The conscious mind has not had an impact or done anything yet. The signal/stimulus it has received after unconscious and subconscious translation is that it is presented with a visualization. The conscious mind now translates the visualization into words and forms a sentence and now the conscious mind does what it is designed to do and asks ‘What does this mean?’ and the answer is the meaning attached to the event. It is what the conscious mind understands and this is now translated into feelings and fed back to the unconscious. Like all translations we have an equation – This equals That. The ‘This’ is the visualization and the ‘That’ is the meaning and like all translations there is room for error, the translation is an approximate. This can only truly equal This. The That is similar but cannot be the same and in the case of the human mind the That can only be a biased perception.

So meaning is the only way the conscious mind can understand (translate) what is. But in the act of understanding what is, it actually has to deny what is and accept what it perceives as what is.

 So what we each do as human beings, is to translate what is, into our own unique understanding and seeing as we created the meaning, we then believe the meaning is true.

So how can this article benefit you in healing? What lesson needs to be learnt?

 Meanings are causative, they produce an effect. A negative meaning will produce a negative effect (that is, a stress), a positive meaning will produce a positive (beneficial) effect. All emotional effects in your life are caused by meanings. All your beliefs are formed from meanings. Nearly all of your life (your conscious perception), behaviors, moods, actions and results are caused by meanings. Your life at this point in time is the culmination of all your meanings. You are where you are at now because of your meanings.

 You, as stated before, create your own meanings from the perceptions that you hold, which in turn were formed by older meanings. In fact the meanings you formed in the first five years of your life have formulated nearly all the rest of your meanings and perceptions. Read the chapter on ‘Beliefs’, to understand how most of your beliefs are formed in this early stage of your life.

If you want to change your life and if you want to be healthy and heal cancer, then this necessitates a change of your life and a dramatic one at that. A problem many people with cancer have and that they may be unaware of, is that they want to be free of cancer but don’t want to change. The reason for this will be explained later. It is interesting to note, if you do not want to change or have uneasy feelings about it, what meanings have you formed regarding change?

 So, is your cancer a result of the meanings you have created, in short Yes! You may be offended by this statement. But by accepting this statement, you will be able to create the necessary changes, that will lead to health. And by the way, why is it that the body, though having the ability to destroy cancer cells, seems to support tumors, by increasing blood supply to them? Why does the body not seem to recognize cancer as a disease? Have we got the wrong ideas about cancer? And how much do we really not know about cancer?

 If you accept that your cancer is a result of the meanings you have created, then you can take responsibility for your healing: and let’s get real here, your body and it’s healing potential is the only thing that can heal you. Anything else can only assist your self healing system. No matter what we do to a dead body, we cannot make it heal! This book will help you utilize your self healing system and help you remove what is preventing your self healing system from generating good health. By accepting that cancer is a part of your life and that your life pattern is responsible for it, then you can do something about it, if you created it then you can uncreate it! If it offends you to be told you are responsible for your cancer, please for your sake read on.

I own a car, it is my car and if I have a flat battery and the car won’t go, who is responsible to get the car fixed, obviously it is me. If I do not take responsibility for fixing the car, who will fix it? Will you fix it?

Your self healing system is absolutely amazing and can return your body back into excellent health, this is what it is designed to do and it can do it, but if like my car, you don’t accept the cancer and the healing are both your responsibility, then you are preventing the self healing system operating effectively. As well, there are other obstacles preventing the self healing system doing its job, which will be discussed as we proceed on our journey.

 Being responsible does not mean blame, please throw any notion of blame in the rubbish bin. There is no place for blame, it is a totally unnecessary and destructive quality. Also we treat cancer as a bad thing, something to be killed off, cut out, something to fight and battle with, something to be overcome. Please understand, and it will be explained later, that cancer cells are your cells, and as all cells in your body, what are they reacting to, what is their purpose, what is communicated to them. Cancer cells have a purpose and their purpose is to heal a stressful and damaging stimulus. In fact cancer is the result of a healing process, the cancer is the collateral damage. The cancer has prevented you from dying earlier. By understanding what cancer really is, you can heal this initial ‘disease’ and then it will not be necessary to continue with the cancer process. And it is a process, and when your healing system knows this process is not warranted, it will cease the process and expend its energies on healing any damage done.

 Important learning points:

 ·        Meanings, beliefs and perceptions are created by each one of us.

 ·        Meanings, beliefs and perceptions are illusions, they appear true but are just concepts.

 ·        Meanings, beliefs and perceptions deny all other possibilities.

 ·        Negative meanings produce negative results & cause stress and toxins.

 ·        Meanings cause effects/results.

 ·        Your experience of life at this moment is the result of all your past, which is formed by the meanings you created.

 ·        Meanings are changeable.

·        When change occurs – meanings have changed.

 ·        Meanings are central and causative of your cancer.

 ·        Meanings even if negative have a positive intent.

 ·        Cancer is a healing process, still reacting (healing) to a cause (stressful stimulus, irritant) that is still present.

 ·        Cancer is the label we give to an identification of a generally unknown process (the constant attempt at healing a constant irritant) similar to a grain of sand irritating an oyster. To heal the irritant, the oyster overlays the grain of sand with mucus. It continues this healing process and the collateral damage the pearl (meaning a valuable jewel to us) is a cancerous growth to the oyster. But without the healing/the cancer, the oyster would have died earlier. The pearl is an irritant to the oyster but far less so than the grain of sand (the original irritant). The pearl’s and cancer’s purpose is to prolong life.

 ·        Correct information is essential to healing.

 ·        Misinformation is a result of meanings.

 If you have cancer, then you have a lot of misinformation.   
Philip Martin

Wednesday, 26 October 2011

Singularity and Duality

Singularity and Duality

Man is certainly a complex creature and the most complex parts are the brain/mind/consciousness. I have spoken of many different aspects of the mind and of problems we have in life and of their solutions. So now I come to a very important issue. How mankind views his world. In all aspects of communication, this article that you are reading for example, the ego is the filter or mechanism by which we understand communication. It is because of the ego that we have an incredible capacity for communication and processing of information. There is unconscious communication but as the term implies we are unaware of this communication. That is, our ego is unaware.

So nearly all of communication that we are aware of, is obviously conscious communication and is filtered by the ego. The enormity of this type of communication is mind boggling but because it is one of the main and common things we do. We simply take it for granted.

There is however a major problem and it is because conscious communication is filtered by the ego. The ego is unaware of unconscious communication and therefore unconscious communication and understanding is unknown and unavailable to the ego/ conscious and also based on a different reality.

What do I mean by a different reality? Herein lays the big questions to life, such as what is the meaning of life? How did it all begin, who am I? Etc. Where do I begin! I typed in the headline and started, so I’ll try and explain. Looking at the first paragraph, I typed in “How mankind views his world” This is where I’ll begin. The sentence should be ‘How the ego views the world’’. For man does not view the world. The ego does and the ego views it according to its understanding of itself, which is severely limited. The ego views its world. It perceives how the world is and the ego believes its perception and the ego loves when it is in harmony with the shared perception of others. The ego understands itself as master of mind and body, this thing that I am. But the mind and body can exist without the ego and yet without the mind and body the ego is nothing it cannot exist. Animals have mind and body but no ego, though higher order mammals have to different degrees an ego and they will develop the more they evolve. The point is, an ego is useful (essential to be able to function in our society) but not essential for life.

Communication is a highly adaptive tool that helped mankind to flourish and give it an advantage over other animals and predators. In order to communicate effectively and to ensure the survival of the species, a new part of the brain was needed to manage this tool. Hence the ego. And for communication to be effective, identity was needed. For without an identity, communication would be very difficult and problematic. Identity solved the problem and communication has evolved into what it is today.

This may be hard to grasp because it is so engrained in all aspects of our living, but identity is a concept. It developed to assist communication, which was needed to ensure the survival of the species. The concept of Identity necessitated the concept of Duality. This has resulted in a plethora of meanings that have hindered mankind. It is almost impossible to reject the idea of duality. For in order to reject duality, your ego needs to reject it, for the ego is in charge of communication (of which ideas are). To reject duality the ego would have to reject the concept of identity. Which it can’t, for then it would cease to be needed, would cease to be. Now identity, though a concept, is real because we choose to believe it is real. But it is a reality that is layered over a deeper reality. Identity is true only in that it is a useful construct.

The deeper reality is that there is only oneness. Duality is true only in that it is a useful construct. It overlays the deeper reality of singularity. One side of a coin is, only because the coin is, you can’t have the side without the coin. The unconscious is aware of and operates at this deeper reality. There are many different levels of unconscious and it is the deeper levels that I am referring to. At the deepest level there is just energy intermingling and flowing throughout all things. All things are connected as the flow of energy is uninterrupted. Energy can organize into form but the energy of the form is not fixed but flows. The form looks fixed and is fixed in only as a river looks fixed. At any point in the river the water (the energy) that was there a moment ago has flowed on.

It is extremely hard to dismiss the idea of duality. Though we do not need to dismiss it but see it in its true reality. A reality that makes sense only to the ego. Duality/identity exists only because singularity /oneness exists.

We look for meaning in everything, no, the ego looks for meaning in everything. The ego searches for meaning. For the ego cannot accept the deeper reality of oneness and singularity. In fact meaning only matters to the ego. It is always trying to prove that the concept of identity and duality is reality. For if they’re real then the ego is real. The search for meaning is the search for identity and ego to have meaning and to disprove oneness and singularity. Reality has no meaning, it is meaningless.

If there is no time, no place, no meaning and no – thing, what is there???

If you contemplate this question without any bias and let your deep unconscious answer, the answer is not nothing but – Everything/totality.

For in nothingness is everything

By Philip Martin
How to Heal cancer

Tuesday, 25 October 2011

95% of cancers don't come from this...

95% of cancers don't come from this...

By Dr. Allan Spreenon 07/16/2011
Dr. Ajay Goel, PhD is my kind of guy. He says genetics plays a role in less than five percent of cancers. So if your mom or dad got cancer, it's not a guarantee you'll get it too.
Big Pharma pushes this "genetics" garbage down your throat so you think it's all out of your control. Your mother had cancer, so now you're "high-risk" to get it too.

Remember, this theory is no accident. It's all part of the "mainstream machine." And it helps keep a lot of people employed and lines a lot of pockets. Just think of all the trips to the doctor, the blood lab, and the radiologist for one person considered "high risk." No wonder your insurance bill spirals out of control! But the truth is, genetics has nothing to do with 95 percent of cancers!

In fact...
Dr. Goel says the vast majority of cancers -- by far -- arise from "epigenetic influences." Sounds like you need a biology degree to understand it, but you don't. Epigenetics is the study of how diet and environmental factors influence your genes.

You see, according to Goel, some factors turn protective genes onturn these protective genes off.
This is good news, he says, because it means "you can influence 95 percent of all cancers with environment and lifestyle changes."

To help flesh out his theory, Dr. Goel is studying ways to keep these protective genes turned on. For one, Goel found that certain foods can "reawaken" sleeping genes that suppress tumors. These genes tell your body to launch the attack against cancer cells!

So which foods did Dr. Goel study?
Well, it's not really a food exactly. Rather, it's a substance found in two popular cooking spices. Can cooking with these spices actually protect you from cancer?

Healing powers found in Indian cuisine

If you've never tried cooking with tumeric or curry, you should. That's because these spices contain curcumin, a polyphenol that gives the spices their bright yellow color. It has also been used medicinally for thousands of years in India and China.

Much of the recent research involves curcumin's effect on the brain. Last year, researchers from Cedars-Sinai created a new molecule from curcumin. They found it might protect the brain and rebuild brain cells following a stroke.

In addition, UCLA researchers found that curcumin reduces inflammation and oxidative damage in the brains of Alzheimer's patients. Not only that, but researchers discovered that curcumin reduces the hallmark symptom of Alzheimer's disease -- plaques and tangles. You see, curcumin crosses the blood-brain barrier and seems to help sweep away harmful proteins that accumulate in the brain.
But can it also protect you against cancer, as Dr. Goel suggests?

Reawaken your protective genes
In a study published in the journal Gastroenterology, Dr. Goel looked at the "epigenetic influences" of curcumin on colon cancer cells. He wanted to see if curcumin could help "reawaken" the genes that protect you against colon cancer.

A year ago, Dr. Goel isolated three colon cancer cell lines. Then, he treated the cells with various concentrations of curcumin.

Next, he watched for any changes to the DNA that occurred after six days and after eight months. Almost immediately, he found that curcumin did indeed "awaken" the sleeping genes. According to Goel, "this process keeps the cancerous tumor from growing and spreading, and it vitally important."
Dr. Goel also believes that curcumin will work on other forms of cancer as well. He believes the research holds a lot of promise.

I suspect Dr. Goel is right on track...
In fact, clinical trials with curcumin and colon and pancreatic cancer are already underway. Men and women in these trials take high doses of curcumin to treat cancer. I'll keep you posted on their outcomes.

Prevention is a far easier hand to play. So give Dr. Goel's advice a chance. Try tumeric and curry in your cooking. I like to sprinkle it on my stir-fried veggies.
Plus, Dr. Goel promises to keep searching for other "epigenetic" influences on cancer, besides curcumin. I'll keep you updated on his progress.

About the author
Nationally acclaimed as America’s “Nutrition Physician,” Dr. Spreen has been helping people stay healthy and disease-free as a private doctor, published author, and noted researcher.
In addition to his role as a Senior Member of the prestigious Health Sciences Institute Advisory Panel in Baltimore, MD, Dr. Spreen also coaches diving at the international and Olympic levels. NorthStar Nutritionals is proud to have Dr. Spreen as our Chief Research Advisor.
Dr. Spreen also writes the Guide to Good Health.

Posted By How to Heal Cancer

Apples Fight Against Pancreatic Cancer


Apples Fight Against Pancreatic Cancer

From the core
Recent research out of UCLA has revealed a potential new weapon in the war against pancreatic cancer, one of the deadliest forms of the disease. The study, published in the April issue of the International Journal of Cancer, reports that a specific antioxidant compound found in apples slowed the growth and curbed the spread of pancreatic cells in mice. Of course, further studies will be required to determine if the compound can treat or prevent cancer in humans, but the results of this study take a promising first step in that direction.
Antioxidants to the rescue once again
Each year 30,000 people in the U.S. alone are diagnosed with pancreatic cancer- and for most, by the time it’s detected, there’s little that can be done. Pancreatic cancer is often considered a silent disease – hard to detect and diagnose, and nearly impossible to treat, unless it is caught very early. That’s what makes prevention efforts all the more important.
With that in mind, the UCLA researchers decided to examine the preventative effects of natural antioxidants on pancreatic cancer. They knew that quercetin, a powerful antioxidant found in apples, had shown promising cancer-fighting potential against other types of cancer. So they set out to determine how quercetin and three other food-derived compounds might impact pancreatic cancer.
Their study was divided into two phases. The first measured the effects of quercetin on pancreatic cancer in a strain of mice specially bred to have no immune system. Human pancreatic cells were introduced into the mice, and cancer cells were injected. Mice treated with quercetin survived an average of 34 percent longer than untreated mice. The quercetin effectively inhibited the spread of malignant cells and triggered apoptosis, a series of reactions that cause cancer cells to self destruct.
The second phase of their study investigated the effects of several different plant-based polyphenols on pancreatic cancer cells. Rutin, found in green tea; trans-resveratrol, found in grapes and wine; genistein, found in soybeans; and quercetin were each combined with pancreatic cancer cells in a laboratory. Except for rutin, all of the polyphenols exhibited potent cancer-fighting properties. In both phases, the researchers concluded that polyphenol antioxidants like quercetin can inhibit pancreatic cancer growth.
Apple polishing
As I said above, pancreatic cancer is one of the most deadly cancers. Often, by the time symptoms occur and a diagnosis is made, the cancer has spread, and by then it is too late to treat it effectively. But there are steps you can take to avoid pancreatic cancer. In the August 29, 2001 e-Alert, I told you about research showing that modifying lifestyle factors like cigarette smoking and obesity can significantly decrease your risk of pancreatic cancer. Find possible links to pancreatic cancer.
Now it seems eating more apples, and adding more natural antioxidants into your meals, could be another important step. More research is needed before we can say definitively that quercetin and other polyphenols have therapeutic value against pancreatic cancer. But in the meantime, it certainly can’t hurt to grab a MacIntosh or Granny Smith when you’re looking for a snack. After all, we’ve heard for years that they keep the doctor away. Maybe now we know why.
Researchers Finally Uncover Possible Links to Pancreatic Cancer” e-Alert, 8/29/01
Reuters Health, April 16, 2002

Posted by How to Heal Cancer

Monday, 24 October 2011

Freedom Is

Here is a powerful and relevant piece. It is taken from the book "Freedom Is" by Brandon Bays
Let the wisdom of these words sink in.

… You are in the ocean, out of your depth, struggling to stay afloat. The more you struggle the less buoyant you feel. Each effort feels more and more exhausting. Fighting what is, you believe the answer lies in trying harder … reaching, grasping with your whole being, striving with your body, harnessing your mind, trying to focus all of your energy to stay above water … you fight for your life. Your activity becomes frenetic. A sinking futility starts to creep in but you realise you can’t give in, no matter what. You force your mind into high gear. You struggle with all your might. Your striving becomes frantic.

 A kind person throws you a life preserver, but it lands just of your reach. Safety is but a few feet away, if only you could grasp it in time. Certain that effort is the only answer, you harness every fibre of your being, desperately trying to grasp the answer to all your prayers … knowing that all peace, all rest, life itself is just an arm’s length away … just out of reach … if only you try harder, the prize of freedom, relaxation, safety will be yours …

 But with each fiercely desperate stroke, you end up pushing the life preserver further away. The fight intensifies. You feel your mind is starting to spin out of control. You force it into line … everything depends on this final struggle to win … But your very striving is driving it further … and further … and further away …

 Finally, the kind stranger jumps into the water, and when he bobs to the surface all movement ceases. He is just floating. He appears motionless … as if he is just resting, simply trusting. Gently, under the surface, his legs are flowing in the quietest of movements; effortlessly treading water, trusting completely in the ease of Grace. The water becomes still and the life preserver, which is no longer being pushed away by the thrashing around, is free to drift his way … Resting … trusting … relaxing … lap … by lap … by lap … the life preserver finds its way into his hands, and with almost no movement – more a softly whispered prayer than an actual motion, he glides it your way.

 You frantically grasp for it and, once again, it drifts just out of your reach. The desperation becomes unbearable …

 You hear a reassuring voice say, ‘RELAX … Just RELAX … you’re safe … Trust … All safety is here … everything you need is already here.’ Then, once again, the kind man who trusts the ocean, trusts life, trusts grace, softly floats the life preserver in your direction.

 It is only one arm’s length away. The desire to reach for it is fiercely strong. The impulse to grasp arises. ‘One last struggle and I’m there,’ you hear yourself say, but before you can thrust out your hand, you hear the stranger say again, ‘JUST RELAX.’

 And something penetrates … it happens in a heartbeat. Against all instincts, against all ingrained beliefs and all societal conditioning, against everything you’ve ever held to be true, you decide to do the impossible. You choose to cease striving … You relax. You relax your mind … you give up all struggle and relax your whole being. You feel your body softening and, miraculously, the life preserver begins to effortlessly drift your way …

 Just before it’s ready to softly touch your chest, something happens. Time stops … everything becomes still … Your breathing slows down and becomes easy … The contraction of your mind softens and every ounce of activity ceases. Your body releases all tension and you become aware that you are being softly supported, embraced in an ocean of trust … In the still centre of the silence, you realise that all grace is here, surrounding you, supporting you. All peace is here, all rest is here … And you relax deeply in the restful embrace of grace …

You become aware that the life preserver has just tapped you on the chest … and in that instant you realise that you don’t actually need it, you never needed it. You’re already safe, already whole, already free. You’re floating in an ocean of trust. Life preserver, no life preserver … same, same.

 Gently, one arm floats to the side of the preserver, and you look around to see if there is anyone else struggling needlessly in the water … And you become the kind stranger.

  A soft smile of irony creeps across your face as you realise the ludicrous insanity of struggling against life. It’s like some big cosmic joke. Everything you had been seeking is recognised to be already here the moment you chose to stop the struggle, relax and trust. This that had seemed so far out of reach is realised to be everywhere, in everything. And that ‘something out there, if only I could get hold of it,’ is realised to be right here, as a vast embrace, constantly supporting you in an ocean of presence.

OTC Cancer Cure... Cover-up!?

  Big Pharma doesn't want you to have this over-the-counter cure... because it actually reverses the growth of cancer cells. So they are using everything in their power to keep it from you—while their expensive cancer drugs do nothing.

But that's just the start—
this underground miracle can reverse the damage from diabetes and so much more...

Get the story "they" don't want you to have here.

Posted by How to heal cancer

Sunday, 23 October 2011

VENOM from funnel-web spiders and tarantulas could be used to kill breast cancer cells.

  • From: Herald Sun

  • October 24, 2011 7:27AM

  • VENOM from funnel-web spiders and tarantulas could be used to kill breast cancer cells.
    An Australian trial will test the arachnid's ability to combat cancerous cells.
    The research comes as Australians mark Pink Ribbon Day, which raises money for breast cancer prevention programs, support services and research.
    University of Queensland's Institute for Molecular Bioscience hopes the complex mix of molecules in the venom could offer a natural solution to breast cancer treatment.
    Dr David Wilson has stockpiled venom from the fangs of up to 10 Fraser Island funnel-webs for the two-year trial.
    The team will isolate up to 300 molecules in the venom and expose them to cancer cells to see how they react.
    Dr Wilson said spider venom contained molecules that have evolved to perform specific functions over millions of years. "They are designed to target very specific sites and we are hoping that some of these molecules target cancer cells."
    Dr Norelle Daly said the research, funded by the National Breast Cancer Foundation, was in its early stages. Venom molecules are used in chronic pain prevention, and scorpion venom has also been shown to bind to cancer cells in mice.
    Scientists make the cells glow, helping surgeons tell the difference between brain tumour cells and normal cells. "We are hoping spider toxins will do the same thing for breast cancer, or do even more and kill the breast cancer cells," Dr Daly said.
    Other research that may give hope to breast cancer sufferers include a breath test, which measures substances in the breath that may be early warnings.
    Developed at the University of Western Australia, it is being tested in the US and Israel.
    Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre researchers are also trying to develop a drug to destroy the most aggressive breast cancer tumours.
    Dr Andreas Moeller said the drug, which could be available within five years, would first be used in women with basal-like breast cancer, a sub-type of cancer resistant to existing treatments.
    Researchers have discovered how to block the tumour's "call for help". Human trials begin soon.
    Melbourne's St Vincent's Institute is working on a way to prevent secondary breast cancer.
    Lead researcher Professor Rik Thompson said his team was trying to identify changes that affected the shape and behaviour of the cells that formed secondary breast cancer so they could develop a method to detect the changes and develop new drugs to prevent it.

    Posted by Healing Cancer

    Read more:

    Thursday, 20 October 2011

    Outsmart Your Cancer

    youtube-capture.jpg 402x259
    Dear Friend,
    If you or a loved one ever gets cancer, there’s one cancer treatment above all that you’ll want to remember.
    It’s one of the world’s most powerful cancer cures, according to research by Jim Sheridan, a scientist at the Detroit Institute of Cancer Research. Its cancer-killing ability was also confirmed by researchers at the National Cancer Institute.
    Some experts believe this treatment may outperform every other cancer treatment that exists!
    Independent cancer treatment expert Tanya Harter Pierce confided, “I could find more complete recoveries from cancer with [this treatment] than I could find on any other cancer treatment.”
    These are documented recoveries, from virtually every kind of cancer, at every stage—even advanced cancers. And in each of these cases, the tumors not only shrank and the cancer got better, but all of the cancer went away completely!
    Even more amazing, patients didn’t travel to alternative cancer clinics to get this treatment. They didn’t even see a doctor at all. That’s because this cancer treatment is available over the counter, without a doctor’s prescription.

    Robert tried it and cured Stage Four stomach cancer

    Robert was 54 years old when he was diagnosed with Stage Four stomach cancer. The cancer had metastasized, or spread, to his bones, his liver and his lymphatic system. Doctors told him they couldn’t cure the cancer but might be able to help him live a little longer. They recommended four aggressive chemotherapy drugs plus radiation, right away.
    But Robert couldn’t stand the idea of spending his last months enduring harsh treatments that would leave him feeling (and looking) worse than he already did. Instead, he wanted an alternative cancer therapy. And when he discovered this treatment was completely free of side effects, he decided to try it.
    Two months later, Robert returned for a stomach scan. The doctor couldn’t believe what he saw: The tumor had shrunk 39 percent. And other tests revealed the cancer in his liver was completely gone!
    Six months after that, Robert’s stomach cancer had vanished. Even the bone and lymphatic cancer disappeared! Amazed, the doctor declared his Stage Four stomach cancer “in remission.” More than two years later, Robert is still cancer-free.
    If you or a loved one ever needs this amazing treatment to cure cancer, it is readily available and surprisingly affordable. What’s more, it may be the easiest-to-use cancer treatment on the planet!

    Cure virtually any cancer with an amazing liquid that you drink!

    Wednesday, 19 October 2011

    Genetic Profiling Adds New Dimension to Breast Cancer Treatment

    Genetic Profiling Adds New Dimension to Breast Cancer Treatment
    health day
    Method allows doctors to determine what will work best for each womanFRIDAY, Oct. 14 (HealthDay News) -- Treatment for breast cancer has advanced in recent years by becoming more and more personalized.
    Not personalized to the patient, mind you, but to the particular tumors and cancer cells inside that patient.
    New tests are allowing doctors to figure out what genetic or biological factors are driving each individual woman's type of cancer, and new therapies are being targeted to directly attack those specific factors.
    "When it comes to treating breast cancer, we used to throw the book at everyone," said Dr. Christy A. Russell, a board member of the American Cancer Society's California division and an associate professor at the University of Southern Californi...
    Read the full story

    posted by How to Heal Cancer

    Tuesday, 18 October 2011

    Stop Begging! Start Manifesting

    Stop Begging! Start Manifesting

    Do you remember that first spark of hope you felt when you watched The Secret? I clearly remember the desire that filled my heart, knowing that – Yes, I can make my dreams come true – FINALLY!
    But how many of you soon saw that hope dwindle into frustration? How many of you (and be honest now) started muttering things like:
    - “It seems to work for other people, but I just can’t get it right.”
    - “I’m frustrated that sometimes I can get it to work, but sometimes I can’t. What’s the trick?”
    - “Why am I having so much trouble?”
    - “I think the universe is against me.”
    - “I’m trying very, VERY hard but still nothing is happening!”
    Don’t worry, you’re not alone. About 97% of people also couldn’t make the Law of Attraction work for them the first time round. Think about it, just like anything else, you have to practice many times before you see success. A child doesn’t learn to walk without falling over a couple of times, right?
    But in practice, everything is easier said and done. When you’re frustrated, it’s hard to stay positive. And it’s especially harder to stay positive when the evidence all around you is screams negativity like the unstable economy or senseless acts of violence such as those recently seen in Mumbai.
    And do you know what happens when you fail to stay positive? That’s right – you start attracting negative things in to your life.
    So how can you make the Law of Attraction work for you – without getting frustrated? How do those who successfully implement the Law of Attraction do it with such confidence and finesse?
    Well, here’s three quick tips so you will never feel frustrated or tired of begging from the universe, because you know how to start manifesting like a pro.
    1. Allow Yourself To Receive
    Just like a lost child who approaches a police officer and asks, “Excuse me Sir, can you tell me how to go to the post office? Can you? Can you? Can you? Can you? Can you?” Well, if the child goes on and on asking, the police officer can’t even give an answer, right?
    Well, it’s the same thing with your mind. If the only thing your mind is doing is transmit, transmit, transmit, the universe — which is trying to respond — can’t give you a single thing because you’re not allowing yourself to receive!
    So, have the confidence in yourself and stop exhausting yourself by running around person to person begging for riches, and then wondering why nobody is dropping a penny in your cup (Hint: It’s because you’re running away too fast for them before they can even reach for their wallets).
    Just think of your desires and leave it out there, go away, and trust that your cup will be filled with gold coins (or whatever it is you asked for) when the time is right.
    2. Be Patient With Yourself
    Receiving takes time.
    Sadly, many people give up just a couple of steps before the finish line because they’ve decided that if it’s not working by now, it’s never going to work at all. Worse still are those who throw in more and more energy because they think that with more resources, the results will come faster.
    This is like expecting 9 mothers to conceive and deliver a baby in 1 month. You also can’t bake cookies in half the time by doubling the temperature. You’ll incinerate those cookies to ashes!
    In simple terms: Everything in this world has a natural development time, and this fact will not change no matter what resources you throw at it.
    So relax and be patient. Remember that you too, as part of the universe, are also governed by the laws of the universe, and you cannot change the natural development time.
    If you remember this, you will less likely work yourself up into frustration, or worse, push yourself into a downward spiral of negativity.
    3. Support and Educate Yourself
    Like the child who is learning how to walk, you need support. You also need to guidance on how to do it, and also the role models to look up to.
    Many people give up because they think that “The Secret” is the “be all and end all” solution. Well, it’s NOT. “The Secret” is just a small portion. It was never intended, and has never been, the whole answer.
    Coming to the conclusion that the Law of Attraction doesn’t work when all you ever did to educate yourself was watch “The Secret” 19 times (without looking at changing the habits of other areas of your life) is like coming to the conclusion that exercising is not an effective way to lose weight because all you did is run on the treadmill for 2 hours a day (but you’re still stuffing yourself with fried foods and cheesecakes).
    So seek and be hungry for new knowledge. Also, make an effort to be amongst people or communities where you can support each other, learn from each other and also share new knowledge that you have found.
    While the Law of Attraction is not an overnight delivery service, it will indeed deliver, if you do your part too!
    Check out the site here

    posted by How to Heal Cancer

    Can This Scientifically Proven Formula Really Cure Cancer and Virtually All Diseases?

    Can This Scientifically Proven Formula Really Cure Cancer and Virtually All Diseases?Why this one-minute therapy is being suppressed in the U.S. while more than
    15,000 European doctors have been using it to heal millions of patients
    by Madison Cavanaugh

    hat if you lived in a world where cancer -- or any other disease -- was no longer a threat to you? What if you never had to experience the horror of receiving a doctor's chilling diagnosis of a terrible disease -- or watch helplessly as someone you care about suffers from cancer or some other life-threatening disease -- with you not being able to do anything about it?

    What would you be willing to give to ensure that you and your loved ones would never need to suffer -- or die -- from so-called "incurable" diseases that are actually curable?

    If you're like most people, chances are, you or someone you know suffers from one or more of the following diseases: (Check all that apply.)

    AIDS Heart Disease
    Alzheimer's Disease Parkinson's Disease Asthma
    Diabetes Rheumatoid Arthritis Multiple Sclerosis
    Alcoholism Hepatitis Herpes
    Emphysema Periodontal Disease Click to list other diseases
    Imagine never having to worry about getting the flu again -- or suffering from migraine headaches, gum disease, sinusitis, anemia, lupus, bronchitis -- and any other disease, for that matter.

    What if you no longer had to live in fear that one day you'll develop a disease that "runs in the family" or get diseases that naturally come from "getting older" or from bad lifestyle choices?

    And what if you had a one-minute cure (which costs only 1½ cents a day to self-administer) that could get rid of virtually any disease in the event that you actually acquired one?

    I know, I know. You're probably thinking, "That just can't be true! How could one simple remedy possibly cure all diseases? There's no such thing as a panacea." Well, you have every reason to be skeptical. I know I was.

    But if you can suspend your disbelief for a moment -- you're about to learn the most amazing health secret anyone could ever possess. Your life -- or the life of your loved one -- could very well depend on this information.

    In the next 5 minutes as you read this article in its entirety, you will discover ...

    Read more here
    posted by How to Heal cancer


    Randy Dotinga
    USA Today
    Tue, 18 Oct 2011 15:24 CDT

    A small, preliminary study finds that ginger root supplements seem to reduce inflammation in the intestines - a potential sign that the pills might reduce the risk of colon cancer.
    However, more study needs to be done, and the researchers aren't yet recommending that people head to the supplements' aisle or start gobbling up more ginger at meal times.

    "If you want to add ginger to part of a healthy diet, that's great. But you can't make any conclusions about definite health benefits" based on the study findings, said lead author Suzanna M. Zick, a naturopathic physician and research associate professor at University of Michigan Medical Center, Ann Arbor.

    The study, funded by the U.S. National Cancer Institute, was published online Oct. 11 in Cancer Prevention Research.

    Ginger, an herb, is found in supplements and in many foods such as ginger snaps and Asian dishes. Research has supported its use to treat stomach problems such as nausea and vomiting; the U.S. National Library of Medicine says it's "likely safe," although some people may develop mild side effects.

    Previous research in animals has suggested that ginger can reduce inflammation but isn't potentially toxic to the stomach like aspirin, Zick noted. And scientists have linked chronic inflammation in the gut to colon cancer, suggesting that easing this inflammation could reduce the risk of the disease.

    In the new study, Zick's team randomly assigned 30 people to take pills containing 2 grams of ground ginger root extract or a "dummy" placebo pill each day for 28 days. They measured the level of inflammation in the participants' intestines before and after the test period.

    The amount of ginger in the pills is equivalent to 20 grams of raw ginger root, the authors said. That is probably well beyond what most people would eat in their regular diet, Zick noted. As for cost, she said that a month's supply of similar ginger supplements typically runs about $10 to $30.

    The researchers found that the level of inflammation in the subjects who took the ginger pills fell by an average of 28 percent, while staying about the same in those who took the placebo.

    If more funding becomes available, the researchers hope to launch a larger study, Zick said. But for now, she said, "if you want to embrace ginger because you like the taste, go ahead," but there's no solid evidence that it prevents colon cancer.

    Dr. Andrew Chan, an assistant professor of medicine at Harvard Medical School and a gastroenterologist at Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, said the findings are promising because they hint at how ginger may prevent colon cancer.

    It's already clear that people with inflammatory conditions such as irritable bowel syndrome are at higher risk of colon cancer, he noted. "We know there are anti-inflammatory drugs like aspirin that appear to have anti-cancer properties. And we know there are certain basic mechanisms which seem to be common to both inflammation and cancer," he said.

    Comment: "We know there are anti-inflammatory drugs like aspirin that appear to have anti-cancer properties." Dr. Andrew Chan obviously overlooked the observation by naturopathic physician and research associate professor Suzanna Zick in which she stated, "Previous research in animals has suggested that ginger can reduce inflammation but isn't potentially toxic to the stomach like aspirin.

    Still, Chan said, "it's much too early to tell whether ginger has anti-cancer properties."

    Posted ny How to Heal Cancer

    Dr. Ann Wigmore Speaks About The Basic Causes of Disease

    Dr. Ann Wigmore Speaks About The Basic Causes of Disease

    What is the basic cause of disease?

    Annwigmore2 Dr. Ann Wigmore taught that toxemia and deficiency are the root causes of all disease.
    Deficiency that means that our bodies are undernourished and are not receiving the proper types and amount of food the body needs. The digestive tract is being overloaded and allergies have developed. Dr. Ann Wigmore believed that about eighty per cent of the population has deficiency disorders because of the body’s inability to digest food. This is why she developed methods for blending, sprouting, and fermenting. Living Food is supremely efficient nourishment that returns the body to health and productive self-healing.
    Toxemia is a term used to describe poisons that are stored in the body. Toxins are formed from eating impure or unnatural, processed and chemicalized foods. Dr. Ann taught that the body can release these stored poisons by feeding it with Living Food in easy-to-digest form. Once the body eliminates stored poisons that have accumulated in the bloodstream the cells are able to receive nourishment, thus enabling the immune system to strengthen and rebuild.

    posted by How to Heal Cancer